Chapter 12: Let's play Battleship

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Still In Liz's POV:

"What do you mean,'Worse than we thought'?",I ask as we all listened intensely.

"I mean that we have a level 10 demon here. His name is Aglaeca. Damon who is a survivor says he's is one of the shadow rulers and he's here to put all shadow demons in power; To put he world in eternal darkness. Like we haven't heard that one before." she says to us and we all look at each other with worry and concern for the situation at hand.

"Well what's been happening? Like how is Aglaeca controlling the pack? When is his plan going into full swing?", my son asks his sister.

"He's controlling them with the dark magic inside them. Each elemental wolf has some darkness in them;That's how they get their abilities. All I know ,from Damon's description, is that Aglaeca is training the wolves non stop and they hardly eat or drink. He's basically starving them to death. But the few survivors are eating what ever scraps they can find. We'll be needing supplies soon.",she replied and we all nodded but she couldn't tell we nodded, "Can you drop them off at a nearby valley south of our location?", She asks.

"Of course. We'll send the supplies tomorrow morning.", I reply to her but before Erin or I could say anything else Red takes the mic that we were using talk to her.

"Do you know anything else about Aglaeca's plan or no?", he says and apparently he's in a bad mood. Then I look behind Red and see Erin looking at his father with a foul glare. 

' What does he know about his father that I don't ?' I wonder to myself.

" Hey dad.", Artemis says and with an attitude. 

'What's going on between my husband and children.' I think to myself.

"Well, I don't know to much and neither does Damon. Even though Damon and Richcomb, the other pack leader, are the top dogs they are only told phase by phase not the whole thing at once so we have to play it by ear. The only thing about the plan we do know is when it'll end. It'll end on the next new moon, which is at the end of the week. I'll(transmission cracking) talk (another crack) late.", then the transition ends.

"Well I guess we need to get our plan ready. Abe go do research on this Aglaeca person. Erin, Red we all need to talk about something.", I say and we all leave the transmission room. Abe going to the study while Erin, Red, and I go to me and Red's room.

Artemis's POV: (around one in the morning)

(Laughing Children) Little girl calling,"Daddy!" Little boy calling, "Mommy!" "No ... WAIT!" the children say at once. Visions flashing. People calling .. screaming... Battle cries ... Heat ... explosions... gun fire... 

"You do know your parents aren't coming back...That they wanted to abandon you." 

"Of course we'll think of you two and don't worry nothing is going to go wrong me and mommy will be back."         "... the path of light..."    "If Anung Un Rama doesn't succeed ... there would be another. They .. take ...bringer of death .. destruction...If they .. the prophesy shall be broken ..." 

Then scenes of my family appear and disappear as fast as they came. Then an image appears...

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