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I went downstairs, swearing at my dad. Cursing him for being a sh.it of a father. He didn't hesitate to chuck a beer bottle at me. But I continued to provoke him. I knew he wasn't afraid to pick a fight with me. I was looking for it. I was eager to feel pain. Anything to remind me I can still feel.

He stood up and came at me, swinging wildly, like a bear on the prow. My mother came in screaming at us to shut up. For him to beat me up quieter. She didn't try to stop him.

Black eye.

Bloody nose.

Aching ribs.

A sly smile.

They leave the house soon after. Cursing me as a son. Wishing I'd never been born. Telling me to get lost. Die. Die. Die.

Their words seep through my chest and into my heart... Die. Die. Die.

The words resonate in my mind. Memories flood into my head. From my earliest memory, up until now, where I'm lying in a pathetic heap on the musty living room carpet.

I think about all the horrible occurrences in my life. All the times I thought about leaving, but never did. Today I would. When I look back, this place only ever brought me sadness. I didn't want that anymore. I couldn't.

I cleaned myself up, and walked out. Nothing but myself and the clothes on my back. I didn't look back. I let the dim glow of the house slowly fade into a tiny star or unwanted lights. After a while, it burns out, remaining yet another memory in the distance.

I was gone for days. I doubt they ever looked for me. They may have not even noticed. And one day, I found myself sobbing on a park bench in the cold night, cursing my life. Thinking of when I should make my way over to the bridge that crosses an empty pit..

That's when he showed up..

"Harry. Please talk to me. You're making me really worried! You're face is red as a tomato and you're sweating like fu.cking crazy." Louis rants on, looking at me with sad oceans. His hands reach and retract from me, unsure of how to help or if he should even help me or not.

I blink a few times, trying to get my eyes to focus on his face. "I... You..." I choke out, looking at him with wide eyes. His eyes widen as I try to make out words through the pain. It's abated only slightly, but I still feel sick to my stomach.

"What is it?" He asks nervously. "Did it work? Do you remember?" I nod slowly, staring at him in disbelief. My hands shaking in my lap. My bones ready to jump out of my skin. "Spit it out! Will ya?"

"You... saved me... If-if you didn't show up when you did.. I would've offed myself..." I whisper, feeling my chest ache with too many emotions to name. I can't begin to describe these feeling now that the pain is fading. Now that my awareness is returning.

Louis' face falls. His cheery eyes dull. His cocky smirk disappears. "Haz..." He whispers. I know this is something though for him to hear. To know that I was sad enough to consider such a drastic future for myself.

"I-I'm so sorry..." I chock out. I gasp for a breathe of air, trying to keep my hiccups quiet. "Louis? Wh-why would you save someone like me?" I cry out, clutching onto myself as if I were about to fall back into an abyss of misery.

"Harry... You know I don't remember. However, I know it was for a good reason. You're amazing... Why wouldn't I wasn't to save your dorky a.ss?" He says with a slight laugh towards the end. I think he's trying to lighten the mood, but that's not possible in this moment. "Hey... Do you remember anything about Reagan?" He adds, looking at me curiously, his hand slowly reaching for my shoulder hesitantly.

My eyes widen in realization... I did. It's not of importance, but when I think back to memories, I see her in the background. Lingering. Always alone.

As I ran away from the bullies at school, she was standing alone against the lockers, sadly watching the events.

As everyone grabbed a partner for a project, she always worked alone.

As I passed the cemetery on my way to school, I always saw her standing there. Looking over the graves of those who never made it to 18.

But why had I not realized till now, that I recognized her? Why was she suddenly so important?

"I remember her sort of... She was just, always in the background of things. Watching everything happening..." I breathe out, tiredly looking up at Louis. "I don't understand."

Louis gives me a firm nod before standing up and helping me up from my chair. "We need to get her right now. I'll take her container. Get Niall and meet me at her house, but don't run. We don't want to look suspicious." Louis instructs, giving me a stern look as if I were a child that would most likely disobey his orders.

I quickly nod, before he exits the room, and I follow soon after.

We were going to get to the bottom of this.


Hey guys, I just want to start off by saying that this world is so messed up. With Christina and the Orlando shooting and whatever else. It just makes me sad to know that people are proud of doing such horrid things, and that we live in a world where it's easy for them to do so. Idk it just makes me sad and I was a huge fan of Christina's...

Sorry for getting all serious on you guys but it's a serious issue. Something has to be done...

QOTC: Favorite time of day?

Mine depends on the day. Sometimes I like the nights better when I'm just chilling and reading a book, but other times the middle of the day is nice while like hanging with friends.

Memory//L.S. (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now