Chapter 1

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I woke up to the strangest thing this morning. Silence. Everyone was still sleeping. Rose was laying next to me, sleeping like a bunny. In get out of bed and go into the kitchen. No one. Except for Jeremy, our helper bot. He was sleeping too. What was going on? Where is everyone?

I go to the fridge and here a little voice behind me.


It's Sofi.

"Yes honey?"

"Where is everyone? Its usually loud."

"I don't know, dear. I am trying to figure that lout myself. I thought it is strange too. Wanna help me figure this out?"

" Yes I do!"

"Okay. Let's go."

I pick up the little six year old. She is scared. What am I supposed to do? I piuck up the phone and call Miller. The phone rings and he picks up.

"Hello?," he says quietly.

"Are you up?"


"Do you have any idea on what the hell is going on?"

"I'm wondering that myself."

"We have to figure this out! Sofi is scared."

" So is Brock."

"We have to figure this out. Meet meet me the alley."

"But the lights aren't on yet. That's what's freaking me out. Its weird that this morning it was only mine, not my wife's alarm clock that went off."

"Mine too. I'm going to go figure this out."

"Good luck!"

He hangs up the phone. I go into my roomand wake up Rose. She said it isn't time to wake up yet. She is usually excited to wake up. Especially on Sunday. This is getting out of hand. I walk into Tyler's room and I wake him up.

"What the hell, dad?! Its 6:00 in the morning. On a Sunday! The lights aren't even on yet! Can I go back to sleep? Please?!"

"No. I need your help, dammit! Do you notice anything weird?"

"Its quiet?"

"Maybe a little too quiet. There's usually little children running around now and the lights are usually on!"

"What in the hell?! This is so weird! Why isn't Mayor Levie turning on the damn lights?! This is bullshit!"

"Come with me. We are going outside to see what is going on."

"But the rules say..."

"I don't give a damn on what the rules say. Its scaring Sofi! Its scaring you! Hell, its scaring me!"


"Grab a flashlight and meet me at the front door."

We each grab a flashlight and run downstairs. I see him still in his pajamas. We go outside and everybody still has their lights off. We go into the alley way to try and figure out where to go. Tyler tries to turn on the computer and it doesn't turn on.

"What? What in the what?! This can't be happening! C'mon!" I say.

"I don't know what's happening. I pushed the button. I don't think there's anything else I can do."

"Did you check if it's plugged in?"

"Yes. Everything Is plugged in. Its just not working."

"Well, oh shit. That's a doozey. Thing was getting old, anyway."

"What the hell are we supposed to do now?"

"I guess we go back home."

" So you hauled my ass all the way out here for nothing?! Fuck you, dad!"

" You watch your mouth, boy!!! Now let me figure this out, for goodness sakes!"

I try restarting the computer over and over and over. But the damn thing doesn't turn on. As I keep trying the lights turn on and so does the computer.

Its Not Our Time Book 1Where stories live. Discover now