The Prince Chapter 3

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 That night Will had the dream again. He had been having this dream for quiet time but this was different. It was much more real and vivid.

    There was a man and woman standing arm in arm with their backs to Will. As if they had heard him come they turned around to see him their faces glowing with happiness and joy. It was as if he was one they had been waiting for all this time. In his previous dreams he couldn't make out their faces because they were always so blurry but now he could see them perfectly. The man looked just like Will right down to the dimple. But his eyes were  hazel color with flecks of emerald green around the edges. Then Will saw the woman. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She looked fragile and it seemed like she could break any minute but she emitted an aura of power and strength. She had golden flowing hair with streaks of light blue added in which was pinned up in an elegant manner. She was wearing a white chiffon greek styled dress which made her skin appear pale and slightly blue. Will noticed that she  had the exact same eyes as him but far more hypnotizing. The woman looked gorgeous without even trying. She smiled sweetly and beckoned for him to come to her.

"Come here William," she said and her voice was like wind chimes. Will walked towards her as if in a trance. Just when he was about to grasp her slender hand both the man and woman disappeared into black smoke taking all the light with them.

  Will awoke with a start. He was sweating and panting for breath as if he'd just ran ten miles. His head throbbed with pain. The candle had burned out so Will was left in the dark. He hated the dark ever since was a child. He had to have some kind of light with him. He quickly lit another candle and went to the bathroom to wash his sweaty face. He was so confused. What had that dream meant? Who were those people? Why had he never seen them before in real life? He couldn't go back to sleep with all those unanswered questions in his head and it was already dawn so he decided to get dressed and go see what was for breakfast.

   Will went down to the kitchens to get something to eat. He winked at Claudia one of the girls working there. She giggled and bowed. Claudia was a nice sweet girl who always slipped him food so the main chef Antonia wouldn't notice. She was just about to give him a blueberry muffin when Antonia stepped in the middle.

"No," she said sternly in her thick Normandian accent," you are to eat your food in the dining hall with your uncle and cousin. Now go!" she raised her spatula as if it were a weapon. Will knew those things hurt so he ran out of there.

    He reached the dining hall where his uncle Arnold and cousin Franco where already sitting at their usual seats.

   "Late as usual," said Franco with a sneer. Will glared at him an took his seat. Uncle Arnold was so deeply engrossed in reading his parchment that he didn't even notice Will enter.Arnold looked just like older brother Edward except he had small coal black eyes. His oily black hair which was almost down to his waist was tied into a braid down his back.His face looked like it had a permanent scowl on it. Franco looked just like his father except he was much scrawnier. He was dressed in his usual black which made him look like a thief. Soon afterward the food arrived and then only did Uncle Arnold notice Will.

"Ah! So nice of you to join us for breakfast William." He forced a smile on his face which didn't go well with the scowl.

"Don't worry Uncle," said Will," I'll be off soon enough."

"Oh really? Are you going somewhere?" Arnold asked.

"Well yes actually. Henry and I decided to go sailing today. I've already asked the weather mage, Ino, and she said it was the perfect summer's day to do just that!"

Franco snorted and Uncle Arnold gave him an angry look.

"Say," Will began,"Would you like to come with us Franco?"

"No," said Franco quickly.

"Oh that's right you don't do sailing or fencing or swimming or any sport in general," Will mocked.

Franco scowled and gave him an icy glare. Will laughed, took some muffins, and headed down to the docks to meet Henry.


   It was so nice to away from the stuffy castle. Will always preferred the outside especially the seaside. He reached the docks and saw Henry standing near their boat with a bag of food in his hands. Henry ate alot of food but for some reason he never got fat. Thank God he's not fat, thought Will, or else I'd have to roll him around everywhere.

"Good morning mate," Henry said cheerfully.

"Good morning to you to," Replied Will.

"Let's get going before the food gets cold," Henry said worriedly. Will laughed."What?"Henry asked.

"Nothing. Lets just go."

 They unfurled the sails and soon the wind was carrying them out into the sea. Henry opened the bag of food and started eating.

 "Henry listen," Will said," I have something to discuss with you." Henry looked up with his mouth full of cinnamon bread.

He swallowed and said,"What is it? You look really worried."

Will told Henry the dream. "Woah! Weird dream," Henry said.

"I know. I've never seen these people before in my life yet I have this feeling that I know or should know them. Ugh! Its hard to explain," Will said irritated."Do you think someone is trying to mess with my head? Like a neuro mage or something?"

Henry shook his head,"I doubt it mate. Neuro mages are extremely rare and their power to enforce certain dreams into a person's mind is practically slim to none. If I were you I wouldn't worry about it too much. Dreams don't mean anything unless you make them into something. Here have a muffin."

"No thanks. I already had some."

"Suit yourself." Henry popped the muffin into his mouth.

Will was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't even notice the black clouds coming towards them.

"Uh Will,"said Henry with his eyes on the clouds,"did you check the weather today?"

"Yes," Will said absentmindedly,"I asked our best weather mage and she said it was a perfect day for sailing. Why do you ask?"

"Because of that," Henry pointed at the dark clouds that were gaining speed towards them.

Will stared in shock."Impossible! Ino is never wrong when it comes to the weather."

"Well there's a first time for everything. Now come on we have to get this boat back to shore.

Will manned the tiller while Henry turned the sails back towards the shoreline. The boat was turned around but the strong winds blew them back towards the storm. Will fought hard to keep the boat under control but it was no use. Soon they were right under the treacherous storm. The waves were taller than the boat itself and they crashed down with so much force that it nearly threw Will and Henry overboard.The boat started to break in half and was sinking, fast. Lightning coursed down and missed the boat by inchs. Will found Henry still working with the now ripped sails.

"It's no use!" Will shouted to Henry over the thundering storm. "We have to get off the boat of the lightning will fry us."

"Ok," Henry said and they both jumped just as the lightning hit the spot where they were standing just a second ago. The boat erupted into deadly flames before it sank. The air was forced out of Will's lungs. The water was icy cold. He resurfaced gasping for breath and looking for Henry.

"Henry!" Will yelled,"Henry!" He dove back into the water but there was no sign of him. He grabbed a wooden plank to stay afloat and shouted for Henry until his voice was hoarse but it was useless. His best friend was gone.

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