1: Infected

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It was my turn to go out into the city and look for food and supplies. I had been gone longer than usual, but it gets harder and harder to sneak to the city without getting infected. I heard screams-
I was on the roof of a building and went to the edge to see who it was. They're in trouble- should I help them? If I ring that bell in the building next to the one I was on, then I'll get the attention of all the infected. But it's not time to ring the bell yet. Ugh! I grab a ladder and put it across the roofs, so I can be able to go to the building right next to this one. I carefully go across. I ring the bell and cover my ears since its extremely loud. I see infected coming from everywhere. Guts, blood, torn faces, everywhere. I walk back across- but the ladder falls right on top of a couple infected. I tried not to scream and held on the the side of the building. I make my way down and walk towards the group of- holy shit.
No fucking way. I know them.
"Help us please, our friend got hurt" one of them said.
"Do something! Don't just stand there!" He added. I grabbed my pistol, took the safety off, and shot a bullet straight at her forehead, right between her light brown eyes. "What the hell?!" The other three squealed. "Why'd you do that?" The other girl finally spoke up. "You said do something, I did" I swallowed hard. "You didn't have to shoot her!" The guy spoke again. "Your girlfriend here had no chance of surviving! She has bite marks here..and here...and here..." I started walking off. The guy pinned me against the wall and put his gun to my head. I showed no fear. "You killed her-"
"She was already dead, I only made it less painful for her..unless you want to see her in pain while she turns into one of those things..." I said which made him concentrate more on that. I push him off me and onto the ground. "I risk my life by ringing that damn bell, save your asses, and y'all repay me by trying to kill me?" I laugh. Infected start walking towards us. "Shit..." I run to the other side of the street and take a left. It takes me a while but I finally get to the sewer that I came from. I get out my crowbar and open it. I look behind me and saw the three idiots that almost got me killed. "What the hell? Why are y'all following me?!" I jump into the sewer. They follow and I just kneel down to hide from the infected. "Ahhhh!" The girl screams. "Shut up! They're gonna hear you- dammit" there were three walkers right infront of us. I stand up, take out my machete and slice their heads off. Slice and dice, slice and dice. The girl continued to scream. "Shut up Naya!" I yell. "You do remember us, don't you?!" She says. "Now's not the time to- talk about this" I take out another infected. "Y'all wanna live?" It was a rhetorical question, but they nod their heads. "Keep walking straight until you see two ways to go, go right. After that just keep going straight until you see a ladder, wait for me there. Go! I'm right behind y'all!" They run off and I try my best to kill as many infected as I can.
I saw them by the ladder surrounded by two walkers. Naya screamed, she can't keep her mouth closed can she? I take one out and grab the other one by their hair. I cut their head off, but held on to it and it's body fell to the floor. Blood started dropping on the floor and a little on my clothes. "Ewww!" Naya said. "Aww, look he likes you" I tease her. "Ewww, you're sick!" She squeals. I throw his head on the ground. "At least I'll survive this, unlike you.." I noticed she had a bite mark on her neck. I grab my crowbar again. I climbed the ladder and made my way up back to open road. "Where are we going?" Nick said. "We?! We?! There is no we" I tried not attract any infected. "So where are we suppose to go?" Said Jake. "Lahey is gonna kill me" I whisper to myself. "I have a camp, with people, food, supplies.. I'll take you guys but if you cause any trouble you're out..and we don't like people knowing where we are so we will take you out" I started walking. It would take at least a mile to walk to back to the diner that I found the other day.
We finally arrived at the diner I found, but there was someone else there. Four guys with huge guns. "Okay, I have business to do, stay here. Don't move!" I whispered to them. I made them stay behind a truck that has been at the diner before this whole dead eats human thing happened. I jumped onto of the truck and then onto the roof of the diner. I found a way in and went towards the kitchen, then behind the counter. I saw two guys lock a women and a man, around their late forties, in the back room. I take my bow and arrow out. I have to be real stealthy or I could end up dead. I aim and take out the first guy. One down, three to go. His friend realizes and calls his other two friends. I take out the first one that walked through the door. "Come out! We don't want to hurt you, we just want-"
I take out the third one. Wait- only three? What? Where's the fourth one? I accidentally dropped my weapon. The fourth one had grabbed me by the neck. "You think your cool? Taking out my friend like that? You think your-"
No time for talking!
I break free from his grip and stab him right in the eye. Blood went everywhere. My face, my hands, my clothes. I'll get patched up back at the camp. I grab my bow and arrow and also grabbed the guy's gun. This'll come in handy. I go to the back room and open the door. "Please don't hurt us!" They women cried. "I'm not gonna hurt you! I-I took them out..you don't have to worry" I said. They walked out the into their diner and saw four dead guys on the floor. "Thank you, how could we ever repay you!" They both said. I was about to say I enjoy taking out dickheads, but then I saw the truck outside the diner. "Do you happen to have the keys to that truck over there?" I asked. They looked at each other and then back at me.
They gave me the keys and I ran back to Jake, Nick, and Naya. I opened the door to the truck and got in. "Are you coming or not?" I said to the three idiots. They got in and I drove off.
The truck ran out of gas, but that was actually a good thing because we made it to our destination. Well, we were close. I got out and grabbed my backpack. "Where are you going?" Naya said, still in the vehicle. "The truck is out of gas" I responded. They got out and just looked around. There was nothing but trees. We where in the middle of the woods. "How far of a walk is it?" She asked. I didn't answer. I kept walking deeper into the woods. It took about five to ten minutes but we made it to camp. It was a huge round building in the middle of the woods. "This is your camp?" Naya said. I rolled my eyes and knocked. "Hayes open the door!" I yelled. Hayes was in charge of all the techy stuff... Our camp was made up of nine people. My brother Isaac, Hayes, Lahey our "leader", Brittany, which I had no idea why anyone let her join our camp, Ben, Lena, Jacky who is Lena's sister, George, Jack, and Luke. "I can't Hayden.." Hayes responded a couple minutes later. "Lahey says no new people without his consult" Hayes added. "I know the rule, it's just..look none of us are infected-" I look at Naya, "None of are infected so let us in, I'll deal with Lahey myself" I was probably going to be in huge trouble. Hayes sighed and opened the door. "Thanks Hayes!" I yell. "Yeah.." He just says. I walk inside with Jake, Naya, and Nick behind me. Lahey walked straight towards me. I looked at Hayes. I eyed Hayes and saluted him with a middle finger. Lahey grabbed my arm and pulled me aside. "Hayden... You know the rule, no new people-"
"I know, I know. But this is different, I know them.. I went to school with them, before all this happened" I cut him off. He looked at me and then walked closer to Jake, Naya, and Nick. He then walked off. "Wait, aren't you going to tell them the rules and everything that goes on here?" I asked Lahey. "You picked them up, they're now your responsibility" Lahey was gone. "Okay...follow me" I told them.
"These are your rooms, there's clothes in the last room down the hall to your right, we have dinner in about an hour or so" I leave them and walk downstairs. "Oh look who's back-"
I ignore Brittany and walk to Hayes. "Hayes, where's Isaac?" I asked him. "Uhhhhh.." Hayes drops his book on the floor and runs away. "Hayes!" I yelled his name. "Isaac went looking for you.." I turned around and saw Brittany with a huge smirk on her face. "What?"
"You were gone longer than usual so he got worried and went to look for you with Jacky" I wanted to slap that smirk off her face. "It's getting harder and harder to sneak into the city of course I took longer than usual! When did they leave?" I pushed her and she almost fell back. "Are they back yet?!" Lena came running to where we were. "Wait, if you're back and my sister and Isaac went to go look for you- where the hell is my sister?!" Lens was crying now. "I told you not to let them leave, what's wrong with you!" Lena screamed at Brittany. Almost everyone was downstairs watching us, even Lahey. "I'm gonna go look for them" I grab my backpack. "That may be the stupidest thing I've ever heard. You're going to look for someone who's looking for you?" Brittany laughed. "I don't see anyone else doing a damn thing to see if they're alive or not" I yell. Brittany kept laughing and I was damn tired of that laugh. I pinned her to the wall and put my machete to her neck. I saw a little blood drip, but she was going to be okay, for now. "Stop it! Hayden!" Lahey, Hayes, and George separated me and Brittany. "I don't want to hear anymore of this!" Lahey yelled. I walked up to my room. I waited for everyone to go eat dinner. "Hayden?" Hayes knocked on my door. "Dinner's ready..it's deer, your favorite" He sounded scared. I found it funny that I scared him. "No thanks" I yelled. I waited til it was clear.
I walked outside the building. It was dark. I could barely see because the lights outside of building weren't on yet. I saw a figure walking towards me. "Isaac is that you? Isaac?" It was too dark out to see. "Isaac?"
Oh my go-
Oohh my- that was not Isaac! And it just bit me! I tried not to scream. I didn't want to cause any attention. I pushed it off me and cut his head off. I looked at my arm. Shit shit shit shit! What am I gonna do?! I can't tell anyone and shit! Shit! Shit! I dropped to my knees and cried. I haven't cried in years. I covered the bite by pulling my sleeve down. "Hayden!" Great now I'm hearing things. "Hayden!" Isaac wrapped his arms around me. Isaac! "What are you doing out here?" He asked. "I was looking for you! Where the hell did you go, you dipshit!" I tried to stop crying. "I went looking for you, but when I didn't find you, I came back to get patched up and more weapons to continue looking for you" He helped me up and walked me inside. "Jacky!"
"Lena!" I saw Lena and Jacky hugging each other. That was the last thing I saw.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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