Chapter 18 Life or death

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Kamryns POV

I walked into Brennan's hospital room.

"Oh my gosh!" I gasped. He had scratches on his face and his arm was in a sling close to his chest. I sat their with my mouth hanging to the floor.

"I told you it was bad Kam," Annie mumbled.

"I cannot believe it." I said. "I can't loose him!" Yes I know, I'm only 13 years old, but people don't understand how it feels honestly. It's like loosing your best friend basically.

"Awe Kam it'll be okay. I promise." Annie smiled.

"Yeah right," I said sarcastically. Annie giggled. I went over to Brennan and gave his hand a tight squeeze. Then Annie and I walked off.


"Kamryn I think you are clear to go," the doctor told me.

"Okay thank you so much!" I smiled. My doctor walked out of the room and I walked into the waiting area with Annie. Miss. Jill and my mom were talking. We waited patiently.

"Kam did they let you go?" My mom asked me.

"Yup," I said bitting my lip. I could see the worried look on Miss. Jill's face. I felt so bad. "I'm sorry I ran out I'm the road with Brennan," I apologised to Miss. Jill.

"Oh sweetheart it's not your fault," she said putting her hand on my shoulder. She got up and came to hug me.

"Thank you Miss. Jill for understanding," I said as we let go from hugging.

"You're welcome sweetie!"


4 weeks later

I walked into the hospital with Hayley at my hip and Annie close behind me. We we're heading in to see Brennan. He has been in a coma for 4 weeks now and the doctors say there may be no chance that he will get better. We walked into the elevator and headed up to the floor and room I knew by heart. We walked into the room and Brennan was gone.

"Where is he!" I shouted.

"Kamryn calm down!" Annie said. "Maybe he's in a different room."

"Right," I said calming myself down. I walked out of the room and walked over to the desk.

"Can I help you girls?" A young lady asked us.

"Yes. Do you know where Brennan (whatever his last name is) is?" I asked.

"I'm sorry sweetie but he had um, well Brennan passed this morning," she said. My mouth almost hit the floor.

"He wh-a-tt?" I asked stuttering my words.

"Miss he passed this morning," she said.

"No no. He couldn't have!" I exclaimed. I looked over at Annie and Hayley. Tears were welling up in their eyes. "Rig-htt. Um tha-nk y-ou," I said. I ran over and hugged the two girls. We bursted out crying.

"Shhh. Kamryn it'll be okay," Annie assured me.

"No it won't Annie! My best friend is gone!" I cried.

"Let's go find Miss. Jill," Annie said. We came out of our group hug and head down to the waiting room. Miss. Jill and Katie and Ryan were there.

"Did you guys hear the news!" Katie exclaimed.

"Yeah," I sniffles.

"Aw come her Kam," Katie said. She came over and squeezed me tight.

"I miss him Katie. A lot," I whispered to her.

"Don't worry Kam. So do I. I miss him. A lot."

A/N currently crying by the ending of this book omfg. 😬😭😭😭

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