❅The Boy From The Coffee Shop❅

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[A S P E N]
"I like it, what about you asp?" Charlie asked, touching the new maroon paint that plastered the empty living room.
"Uh, yeah, it's nice." I smiled reassuringly. I honestly didn't care what apartment Charlie picked anymore. I just wanted to move into one before the semester started.
"Alright, we'll get it." Charlie said excitedly. We followed the landlord down to the main office to sign the lease.
After Charlie finished obsessing over the jacuzzi, we followed the Mr. Rivers into his office. "Alright, I just need you to sign here and here," He said, his face flat, showing no emotion. "And I'll need the deposit of four hundred and sixty dollars by Friday, and you guys can move in Saturday, anytime after 9am." Charlie smiled and nodded as we finished signing the papers.

"This is gonna be amazing." Charlie said excitedly, hopping into the drivers seat of his new Honda.
"As amazing as the college life can be." I sighed, leaning my head back against the hot black leather seat. I kicked off my sandals and I rolled down the window. The soft breeze hit my face as Charlie drove, it was nice considering how hot it's been. I was hoping that New York would be a bit cooler in the summer. I guess not.
"Do you wanna go check out the campus?" Charlie asked, turning down the radio.
"Um, Sure. Let's stop at that coffee shop first." I was referring to the coffee shop Charlie and I had been going to every morning since we landed in New York. It was quiet and small, and not many students went there, due to the fact that the school recently opened a Starbucks on campus. Charlie gave me a simple okay and kept driving.
"I'll have a 20 ounce iced green tea." I said, pulling a ten dollar bill from the butt pocket of my dark wash high waisted shorts.
"Milk?" Asked the guy standing behind the register.
"Uh, yes, 1% please." I smiled softly and handed him my ten dollar bill. He jabbed his fingers at some buttons on the register before it swung open. He stuffed my ten dollar bill in and yanked out a five dollar bill. "Keep the change." I smiled & walked towards Charlie who was taking a huge bite out of the slice of raisin bead he ordered. "Raisins are nasty." I said, putting a disgusting look on my face. I slammed my body down into the rickety wooden chair next to Charlie's.
"Your just mad cause I'm eating them & not you." Charlie smirked, taking another bite of his bread.
"Ew." I rolled my eyes and ignored Charlie's stupid remark.

"20 ounce iced green tea, 1%." Shouted a woman standing behind the counter.
Finally, I thought to myself. I stood from my chair & walked towards the woman holding my drink.
"Thanks." I smiled softly & headed back toward Charlie, who was scarfing down the lady bits of his raisin bread. I stuck my straw in the lid & took a sip. Perfect.
Suddenly, another body slammed into mine, almost causing me to fall over. I soon realized that his ice cold drink had spilled all down the front of my shirt. "Oh my god, I am so sorry." The guy said, his words falling from his mouth perfectly.
"Great." I groaned quietly. I set my green tea down on the empty table beside me. I pulled a few napkins from the napkin holder. I began trying to get the dark drink off my navy blue & white striped shirt before it began to stain. The boy grabbed some napkins as well & tried to help wipe the substance off. "It's fine, I've got it." I said, shoving his hands away from me, not even looking up from my shirt.
"I'm really sorry." He said again, his voice was deep. I eventually gave up trying to get the stain out. I threw my hands down in defeat & tossed the wad of semi wet napkins in the silver trash can.
"It's fine." I said, looking up at the boy, who stood at about 5'10. He smiled at me, his pink lips parting slightly, giving me a glimpse of his perfectly straight teeth. His soft brown eyes were surrounded by thick black lashes that batted softly.
"If it's any helps, it looks better on you than it did in the cup." The boy said, trying to lighten the mood.
"Thanks." I laughed, pulling my shirt away from my body to keep it from sticking.
"I'm Cameron." The boy said, sticking his hand out towards me.
I grasped it & shook, "Aspen."
"Aspen," he murmured to himself,  "I like that name."
"So did my parents." I laughed. I picked my green tea up off the table and began to walk away, "It was nice meeting you Cameron."

[C A M E R O N]
"She was perfect." I said, shoving another three grapes in my mouth.
"So let me get this straight," Aaron began, "you went to go grab a straw for your Nutella milkshake, and you bumped into this girl, spilled your drink all over her, and didn't even get her number. Wow man, that sucks. You lose a girl and a milkshake all in one day."
I ignored Aaron's stupid remark as smashed a few buttons on the Xbox controller. I was really trying to beat Aaron, considering the fact we bet twenty bucks I could win five straight rounds of Fifa. But, I couldn't focus. I still couldn't believe I spilled my drink all over a girl, unintentionally, and didn't even get her number out of it.
"So are we gonna hit up any frat parties tonight?" Aaron asked, as I scored another goal.
"Why would we?" I asked, grabbing a couple of grapes out of the black bowl that laid next to me, not removing my eyes from the screen.
"Because it's the final night of Greek Week, it's supposed to be the most insane party day of the year. Every frat & sorority house is competing to see who can throw the best party, with the best booze and the best music." Aaron said, stuffing a hand full of cheese puffs in his mouth.
I slammed my thumb onto the buttons of the Xbox controller, "Well, it's not like we got anything else to do," I said, scoring the final goal of game five. "And I think you owe me twenty dollars."

[A S P E N]
"What are you gonna wear?" Charlie asked, yanking a bunch of teeshirts from his suitcase.
"To what?" I asked, hitting the pause button on the black remote.
Charlie dug through his big black suitcase some more before responding, "To the party."
I sat upright on my bed and faced Charlie who was still digging through the contents in suitcase which were now practically covering his whole bed. "What party?"
"You know, tonight's the last night of Greek Week, best parties, best booze, hottest babes. We have to go." Charlie said, holding up a plain black teeshirts.
"I don't know, maybe I'll just stay here, parties aren't really my thing." I sighed, laying back down on the bed.
"Nothing is really your thing. But you have to go. Pleaseeeee." Charlie said, dragging out the 'e' in please.
"I don't know, Charlie." I contemplated whether I should go or not. I mean, after all I am in college, and I should be having the time of my life right now. But, I don't think of partying as the time of my life.
"You never know, maybe the boy who spilled his drink all over you will be there." Charlie smirked, grabbing his shirt & a pair of dark blue jeans off his bed. "But," Charlie began, "if you'd rather stay inside and watch The Notebook on repeat all night instead of flirting with the dude that ruined your favorite shirt, then by all means, enjoy yourself."
"Maybe I will go." I said, now realizing how sad it sounded staying in and watching The Notebook all night.
"Wear this." Charlie said, throwing an outfit at me.
I rolled my eyes & began to walk towards the bathroom, "As you wish, your highness."

Unintentional ❅ Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now