❅The Boy From The Party❅

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[A S P E N]
"Does this look okay?" I asked, facing Charlie.
He started at my feet, I watched as his eyes continued to travel up my body, "you look hot." Charlie said, nodding his head in approval.
"Thanks." I turned around to look myself over in the mirror one last time. I tucked a few strands of my curly brown hair behind my right ear before feeling satisfied. "Are you ready to go?"
"I've been ready," Charlie said, standing from his bed. I rolled my eyes & followed him out of our hotel room. I stuffed my phone in the butt pocket of my high waisted shorts as we entered the elevator. "You ready for your first college party?" Charlie asked, nudging my arm with his elbow.
"I think you mean, are you ready to carry me back to the hotel when I'm too drunk to walk," I said knowing that's how this night would most likely end, "And yes, I've been lifting weights, ya know, getting ready for this moment."
Charlie looked at my arms then back up at me, "it doesn't looks like it."
"Shut up." I said, trying to sound serious.
"It's sexy when you pretend to be all serious." Charlie said, wrapping his arm around me as the elevator doors slowly inched open.
I pushed Charlie's hand off me and exited the elevator, "Not gonna happen."
Charlie walked next to me as we exited the hotel, "it's gonna happen."
"As I've been saying for the past five years, it's never going to happen."

[C A M E R O N]
"Here, wear this." Aaron yelled throwing a shirt at me. I looked at the shirt and slid it over my head. I yanked my olive green jacket off the door hanger and threw it on.
"You ready to go?" I asked, entering Aaron's room.
"Fosho." He nodded as he finished tying his new black yeezys.


[A S P E N]
The first fraternity Charlie dragged me into was Gamma Rho Lambda. Charlie went on and on about how they were known for the most insane parties. "You want a drink?" Charlie yelled, trying to speak over the pounding music. I nodded and grasped on to Charlie's hand, hoping not to loose him in the sea of sweaty dancers. He lead me into the kitchen where it was somewhat less crowded. He grabbed two red solo cups off the tall stack & filled them with whatever foul smelling liquor that was in the half empty keg. He handed me the cup and began to drink his. I stared down into the drink and watched the small bubbles float to the surface, then disappear. "Are you gonna drink it?" Charlie asked.
I nodded and looked up from the cup, "When I'm thirsty."
Charlie rolled his eyes and leaned his back against the counter, he took big swigs from his drink before setting the empty cup down behind him. "You wanna go dance?"
"Maybe later."
"Alright fine, be a loner in here. I'm gonna go dance. If you need me, just yell." Charlie pressed a wet kiss to my cheek and disappeared into the dark, crowded living room.

[C A M E R O N]
"Gamma Rho Lambda." Aaron said, staring in awe at the dark blue house in front of us. "This is gonna be sickkkk." Aaron slammed a closed fist into my bicep and ran across the lawn, towards the party.
As I entered the house, the smell of cheap beer and weed filled my nose. I began shoving my way through the crowd of dancers. It was hard to tell where I was going, the house was dark and the little amount of light they did have came from a stupid stage light that flashed green & gold, Gamma Rho Lambda's frat colors. I continued shoving my way through the mass of girls bumping and grinding on one another.
I finally made my way into the kitchen, which was thankfully less crowded, I walked towards the keg that sat beside the metallic fridge, and slowly filled a red solo cup. I wasn't much of a drinker, but in order to make in through the night I was gonna need a beer or two. I turned around and took a swig of my beer. I slowly lowered my cup from my lips once I noticed the girl I spilled my drink on earlier.
She was sitting on the counter with her drink between her legs, it looked as if she hadn't even taken a sip. One of her hands held onto her untouched drink, probably trying to keep it from spilling. In her other, she held her phone. Her brown eyes focused heavily on whatever she was trying read. The pounding music probably didn't make it easy to focus.
"I can feel you staring at me." She said, her eyes still glued to her screen. I let out a soft laugh as she looked up at me. She sighed as her soft brown eyes fell upon my face, "Oh, hey, I remember you."
I was somewhat flattered, "you do?" I laughed, walking towards her.
She nodded, "How could I forget you? The man that ruined my favorite shirt." She let out a soft angelic laugh.
"Yeah, again, I am so sorry about that." I said, leaning against the island that sat in the center of the kitchen.
"Eh, it's okay. I was looking for a reason to buy new clothes anyway." She swiftly tucked a strand of her curly brown hair behind her left ear, before looking up at me.
"So, why are you sitting in the kitchen during a party?" I asked, setting my half empty cup on the counter top behind me.
"Why are you?" She asked, raising her eyebrow.
"I hate parties, to be completely honest." I said, glancing out the open doorway at the giant crowd of dancers. I returned my eyes to her, and watched as she traced my face with her caramel brown eyes. "What about you?"
"I don't do well in big groups of people." She yanked the still untouched drink out from between her legs & gracefully crossed them. She set the drink beside her and looked back up at me, "yet, I still somehow manage to get dragged to things like this."
I nodded and laughed slightly, "yeah, I know what you mean."
"So, you go to Mercy?" She asked.
"Uh yeah, I'm a sophomore."
"What's your major?" She swung her legs back and forth slightly as she spoke.
"Film studies. But, I minor in sociology."
"Film studies, huh?"
I nodded and gripped my lip in between my teeth, "I want to direct movies."
"With a pretty face like yours, you wanna spend the rest of your life behind the camera?" She asked.
A faint smile captivated my lips, "Surprisingly, yes. I want people to be able to see the world the way I see it."
Her eyes, framed with thick black lashes, stared at me. A soft smile sat on her lips, "I think you're going to make an amazing director, someday."
"You think?" I asked. She tucked another strand of her curly hair behind her ear as she nodded.
Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in like four hundred months. I've had zero motivation to write. And I wrote this chapter forever ago. And I just finished editing it. So, it's going up. Comment your thoughts :) also I'm sorry it's so short. I cut a lot out to make it sound better. Love you all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2016 ⏰

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