CHAPTER 4 sun city

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I guess i fall asleep i got off my bed and went to the kitchen i ate cereal and waited for my brother. He came to the kitchen still wearing his pj's why you still in your pj's he laughed and said its saturday i laughed and said how can i think its friday today.

I finished my cereal and got back into bed i slept for two hours then my brother told me to wake up. Because we going somewhere. I smiled and got out of bed to get dressed i took like an hour to get done darren knocked on my door and said hurry up we need to leave soon he said to me. Coming i said i put on my shoes and went to the kitchen. Darren was already in the car i looked out the window. And exited the house.

Why did you take so long darren asked me you woke me up from a good sleep wat do expect. He smiled lets go he said. Where we going dont worry just relax and you will see. I will try and smiled at him. He pulled out the drive way and off we went. Is it a surprise i asked maybe he said i laughed and said you never surprise me why all of a sudden
Because i think you going through a lot so you need this. Please tell me. No u will see when we get there he said.

I just looked at him and leaned back on the seat i closed my eyes and fall asleep. Its been 2hours and we still driving why is the drive so long. We almost there
I looked at him and then looked out my window. We arrived at a place called sun City. Iv never been here before. I havent been out the house. This is the place is where you going to have fun and take your mind off things darren said to me. Oh i smiled and watched my brother pay to get in

He drove in and parked we gonna take a bus up to the fun said he said to me. I laughed why you laughing he asked me i smiled and said because you spoke to me like im some kid of dum ass he laughed and said sorry dum ass. I hit his arm and called him a dum fuck. He laughed and asked since when do i swear. Since today laughed

Thanks for bring me here i said to me and gave him a hug
We walked towards the long line
We waite here he said to me i looked around in the hot sun and saw a bus coming. Is that our bus i asked if we get close enough to it yes but if we not no. Oh well i hope it is cause my feet hurt and its too hot here. We all moved foward as some people got on to the bus when we got to the front the bus was full we had to wait for another bus to come

My feet hurt i said to my brother. He grabbed my waist and put me on his shoulders. You lucky you light i smiled and said lucky me
I saw the bus coming but i didnt want to tell my brother i liked sitting on his shoulders. The bus stopped infront of us and we got on we sat in front and waited for the others to get on. The bus was finally full and off we went. We reached the
place and we all got off. Now you just follow me darren said to me i smiled and nodded my head. We walked through a casino even tho i was old enough to go in my brother didn't want me to in he says its not good for me. We got outside and i saw fake elephants on the wall i wAlked passed very fast because i found that very creepy.

We stood in a line waiting to go onto somewhere. We finally paid and a guy put on a white paper band on my wrist. Then we walked into a place with a fake beach. What is this i asked my brother. This is the valley of the waves i just nodded my head. Go get in your bather and meet me in the water. Ok i said i wAlked to the bathroom and got in my bather. I walked towards the water and waited for my brother i got a shock when i felt someone put their hands on my shoulder
I turned around to see tim. I was surprised. Tim what are you doing here u came for the weak end and you he asked me my brother brought me here to have fun for the first time of my life i laughed and Tim did the same

Tims mom called him and she waved at me. I waved back and looked down. Bye tim said to me. I smiled at him and he walked away. My brother came and asked who wad that. Why did you take so long i asked first he said a friend from school. Now you answer my question. I was talking to a cute girl. I rolled my eyes and said lets go deeper in the water we both walked deeper in until we had to swim. My brother grabbed my arm and told me to stand up the wave is coming. I said ok and stood up we waited five seconds then the wave came. I didnt know what to do so i just stood there. The wave came over me and i went tumbling as i got up i saw Darren and tim laughing at me. I smiled and said not funny guys but i laughed as well

Thanks for bring me here im having fun. Darren lookd at me and smiled. We got out of the water and went on the slides
After all that we got our stuff and waited for the bus so we can go to ths car and get home as we were waiting i thought of tim
What you thinking of darren asked me. Uhm nothing. He laughed and said ok. The bus came and we all got on. When we got back to the place we first came in we all got out. Then darren and i walked to the car. We got in and he drove out of the place. We drove for two hours then we finally reached home i got out and walked to my brother gave me a hug and said thanks for the day then i went to my room and layed on the bed

Author's note: thanks for reading if you think my story was good please vote and comment would love to see what think of this book sorry for the spelling errors. Will try and not make so many as in CHAPTER 1 and 2

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