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"Pi is equal to 3.14..., ok class open to page 23 and question 4 a to f" says Mrs Bennet as she turns around to wipe everything off the board, which completely pointless because basic everyone was staring at the board going "What!".But other than that they were doing their own things.
I shake out of my daydreaming and refocus at the clock which just hit 2:59. "Sixty more seconds" I murmur to myself, "58,59 6..."
"Alright class your dismissed" Mrs Bennet sighs wiping her brow. I don't blame her our maths class is basically the most rowdiest class at school. Paper airplanes, spitballs, notes, texting and music. Which mostly I was responsible for... But you have to admit music makes Maths seem almost fun! I said almost.
"Yo Perc, wait up!" Adam calls running up to me. "Guess what!" He cries as his face was imitating Jokers. "What?" I ask. With my earphone plugged in my ears I could barely hear what he just said but i say what anyways. "Percephony Banj, take those ridiculous earplugs out of your ears and listen to what Adam Lamskin is saying" Adam says yanking the earphones outta my ear. I scowl. "What!". "Dave told me that in the upstairs classroom four doors left has a poster on it". He smiles. I frown "And that is what you were so excited to tell me about?", "No, you dummy the poster was about a School rock comp that was gonna be in the Roundhouse". "Pfft, as if" "I mean if there is gonna be one everyone would be talking about it". "Well that's because the comp is about 6 months away and the sign up sheet is here" said Adam holding a piece of paper with his name on and mine. A smile stretches across my face and I put my arms around Adam in a thank you hug. Adam stiffens for a second but then he returns a hug. I push away and gasp, "Oh my god that means that we only have 6months to get ready, we must start straight away". Adam laugh "At least we have a lot of inspiration  from Lambskin" he grin pointing at him self. I laugh "Yep, definitely!"

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