Adventure Of A Lifetime

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~~ Adventure Of A Lifetime chanté Coldplay.~~

Turn your magic on
To me she'd say
Everything you want's a dream away
We are legends
Every day
That's what she told him!

Turn your magic on
To me she'd say
Everything you want's a dream away
Under this pressure, under this weight
We are diamonds

I feel my heart beating
I feel my heart underneath my skin
I feel my heart beating

Ohhh, you make me feel
Like I'm alive again
Alive again
Ohhh, you make me feel
Like I'm alive again

Said I can't go on, not in this way
I'm a dream, I die by light of day
Gonna hold up half the sky and say
Ohhh, we are omen
I feel my heart beating
I feel my heart underneath my skin
Ohhh, I can feel my heart beating
Cause you make me feel
Like I'm alive again
Alive again...
Ohhh, you make me feel
Like I'm alive again

Turn your magic on, to me she'd say
Everything you want's a dream away
Under this pressure, under this weight

We are diamonds taking shape!
We are diamonds taking shape!

If we've only got this life
Then this adventure, more than I
And if we've only got this life
You'll get me through alive
And if we've only got this life
Then this adventure, more than I
Wanna share with you
With you, with you
I said, oh, say oh

Woo hoo, woo hoo...

Woo hoo, woo hoo

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