In my arms

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A/N: I know I said I was going to update yesterday but I wasn't able to make it... SORRY... But here is the new chapter! Hope you enjoy it!

James's POV

When I see Riley fainting, I quickly grab her and avoid her fall. I pick her up in my arms, bridal style.

I move her head so that it is placed in crook of my neck, one of my arms around her waist and another one under her knees. It was way too intimate but I didn't really care... I just wanted her to wake up...

"Riley!" Miss Kate finally is able to react, and she runs next to me, looking at the unconscious petite body in my arms.

I look at Riley as well. She is really pale and her face looks way too skinny.

I hadn't really paid attention to it, but now, having her in my arms for the first time in weeks, I notice that she has lost weight. And for the looks of this, too much...

I don't want to admit it to myself but I kind of missed this... Having her in my arms... Though not unconscious, obviously....

Beth comes closer to us. "Oh... Isn't she dramatic... She did all this just to end up in your arms... But you are mine... So... Put her down already!" She continues talking but I ignore her. I am too worried about Riley now to care about anything other than her.

Miss Kates shots a glare at Beth and she shuts up, finally.

"Riley! Wake up!" Miss Kate starts asking Riley, while hiting her face gently. I shake her a bit in my arms but she still doesn't respond. "Beth. Please bring us some water!"

Beth thinks about for a second but then she runs to the changing rooms.

I feel guilty but that soon passes. It was not my fault that this happened. She was the one who started screaming at me.

"Riley! What happened!" I hear someone scream at the door of the Studio. It's Emily. She drops her bag and runs to me. Looking worried at her sister. She then turns her attention to me, and she looks mad. Oh boy, does she look mad...

"What did you do? What did you do to my sister, jerk? What was it this time? Let go of her!" Emily start screaming and hitting my arm.

I chuckle a bit, shaking Riley gently in my arms "I don't think I can do that..."

She clenches and is about to scream at me again, but then her expression softens and she gives a forced smile.

"You are right. Put her down on that bench will you? Hunter, honey, can you please make sure he doesn't let her fall."

I start heading to the bench next to the cubbies and Hunter steps closer to me. I shot him a deadly look.

"I got this. No need to steal anything else..."

I place her down and she shivers a bit, I step back as Miss Kate and Emily get closer to her.

Beth finally returns with a wet cloth and I give it to Emily.

"Ri, sweetie, wake up!" Emily says, kneeling next to her and placing the fabric in her sister's forehead. Riley starts battling her eyes lids and soons her eyes are opened.

I hear sighs of relieve and I can't be sure if one of them wasn't mine.

"What... What happened?" Riley whispers, trying to sit up.

"Easy on that, sis... You just fainted." Emily answers caressing her sister's cheek.

"Oh... I remember..." Riley whispers again, this time louder. She looks at me with a cold expression in her eyes and then looks back at Emily.

"Oh, Riley... I was so worried. How are you feeling?" Miss Kates asks.

Riley shakes her head and give her a weak smile.

"I'm fine! It was probably just sugar shortage! Don't worry!" Riley says getting up too quickly which sends her back to the bench.

I feel Beth pulling my arm to look at her but I reject it. She rolls her eyes and walks out of te studio.

"Riley. Be still! You just fainted... Did you have breakfast?" Emily asks, standing up.

Riley blushes a bit and looks away. "Uhm... Yeah..."

Emily squints. "Oh really? And what did you eat?"

"Uhmm... A... An.. Apple..." Riley stutters. I know she is lying... Why wouldn't she have her breakfast... Well... This just proves it was not my fault... Nobody made her not eat her breakfast...

I walk out of there, looking out for Beth. But not before I see Riley's disappointed look.

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