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Dan's POV:
"The wiskers are back"

"Wisker me up Dan"

"Wiskering achived"

"First question"
We finish the video im pretty sure this was the best one yet.Phil gets a call from Tyler Oakley.
"Heyy guys were having a party tonight and I want you be there bitches"
"Ok Ty we'll be there" We giggled.

3 hours later

Phil's POV:
We arive at the party."Wow Tyler really knows how to throw a party" Dan laughed "Yea lets get CRAY CRAY!!!!" Dont say cray cray Phil" He said sarcasticly.
We've been at the party for a while and had a couple of drinks and by a couple i mean like 35 each.
Dan's POV:
Tyler called us over to him "Hey bitches wanna play 7 minuntes in heaven?" Phil and I were both pretty drunk so we said "HELL YEA"
Narrator's POV:
Tyler giggled "I'll go first, Phil and Dan into the closet"
"Ok" Tyler shoves them into the empty closet.

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