Chapter 3

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I AM SO MUTHAEFFIN SORRY FOR BEING A COMPLETE BUTHOLE! I know I said that id upload...but to be honest, I forgot that I even HAD a story on wattpad...i have one hell of a forgetful memory...So I sincerely apologize and hope you enjoy this next chapter...

Go on...READ!

He's The Macho Mafia Man And I'm The Soon-to-BRIDE?!

"Holy shit!" I yelled. I was head on with my description about Mr. Streaton/Mr. Clean earlier.

"Holy shit is right, youre smoking hot!" Mr. Cleans son declared, I think.

"Um, who the hell are you?" I asked, slightly pink from the compliment. He smoothly made his way over towards me.

"Im your new husband, Kaz Streaton." What the frank?! This hottie is my husband?! I quickly scanned over his features. He had one glorious body, 8-pack included, broad shoulders, more than average muscles, a strong-looking neck, pink kissable lips, a cute nose, dark-dark, almost black, kind of curly and straight looking hair that stopped just under his chin, and clinged to his face. I saved his eyes for last. They were a deep-deep forest green that looked like a dark shade of grey. But they were unmistakably forest green. I was so intensely lost in them that he had to wave a hand infront of my face just to get my attention.

"Hello in there", Kaz said, in a sing-song voice.

"What?" I asked, completely confused.

"Awww! Youre so into me, but dont feel left out, cause I am so those huge jugs of yours! What did you do to get them so huge?!" Did he honestly just say that?

"A question as stupid as that doesnt deserve an answer." I said, trying to refrain from blushing, buy miserably failing.

"Wow", Kaz said, "Youre cute when you blush." Aw, he is kind of sweet, but then I remebered that I have to marry him; this might not be so bad.

Dad made us all go into the living room and no one said anything for a while. I finally got so impatient that I stood up.

"Im sorry", I said, "But I do have better ways to kill time, so Im gonna go check on Christy." I started walking, but a voice stoppded me.

"Miss Casten, I hate that ive wasted your time, but I am ready to discuss the situation now. So will you please sit back down?" Mr. Clean asked.

(A/N: Just in case you are wondering, Mr. Clean is that Bald man with a muscle shirt on. Hes on some cleaning supplies.)

I looked towards Dad and he nodded, which meant that I had to oblidge. I didnt say anything and just sat back down besides my dad again.

"So," Mr. Clean began, "You are aware of the situation at hand, correct?"

"Yeah, I am actually. You and dad gambled and he owes you a stupid large amount of money. He couldnt give it to you, so you were gonna kill him; your own bestfriend. Thats when I was dragged into the situation." He nodded and I continued...

"Its all your fault that im in this mess you know," I said. He looked taken aback and shook his head.

"No miss Casten, its his fault. He shouldnt have gambled." He declared.

"No Mr. Clean," I countered, "You knew he was drunk and you chose to get him into your crappy games. Its your fault beacuse you could have stayed away, like you did for some years previous. This is entirely YOUR fault." Dad rested a hand on my forearm and squeezed, signaling for me to shut up.

"His name is not Mr. Clean darling. What made you call him that anyways?" Dad asked.

"Come on Dad, look at him closely. I you look past the scary, you could tell that he looks just like the character." Me and Dad chuckled, but the 'Mr. Clean' clear his throat.

"Um, miss Annie-", I had to cut him off right there.

"Its Annabelle." No one that I do not like has the privilege to call me that.

Mr. Clean looked stifled. Did he really think that I was gonna let him call me that?

"Im sorry Miss Casten," he said, "I heard your dad mention it over the phone dear." Ugh! This guy is so on my bad side.

"First of all," I said," Im not a deer, let alone your dear. And I mean no disrespect when I say this but, You are Not my Father. So you have no business calling me that." Dad squeezed my arm again and glared at me.

"Honey," Dad whispered, "He technically is since youre marrying his son." Dad, Dad, Dad. You are the Only father for me.

"Sweetie," I said, "But he has forced you to make me do this, so technically, I dont accept him as my father." This is getting pretty boring now.

"Man! Are you gonna hurry up and discuss this already?! I have places to be!" Kaz shouted.

"Of course," Mr. Clean said, "Why dont you two go and have a little chat while the grown ups discuss some things." Me and Kaz looked at each other and nodded. I got up and made my way to the kitchen. I sat on the island and stared at him while he was grabbing a chair to sit in. We both stared each other until I blinked. He smiled in victory...


Finally! I effin uploaded...let me know what you think!

He's the Macho Mafia Man and I'm the soon-to-be BRIDE?!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now