Notes Of A Disillusioned Love Song

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You went away again

For good this time

I think

At least that is what you told me as you packed your things and headed for the door

The door that led out of our home, out of my life, but certainly not out of my heart

Yes you took your things and went away

But I think in your haste to exchange my embrace for that of another

You accidentally took something that wasn’t really yours to take

You took the very best part of me

The part that loved unconditionally

The part that loved you enough to let you take over my mind and soul

But there were some things you missed

Like these memories of your smile

Your kiss

Your lips

The ghost of your arms around me

How could you think I could live with this

You left your scent on the sheets and pillow on your side of the bed

You left a billion pieces of you plastered throughout the halls of our once happy home

And you, you left me

But I guess that was intentional

Because as much as you like to lie to others, to me, to yourself

You never really wanted me

Not really

Anyone would have done

You would just liked the idea of having someone

And despite the old ring you solemnly slid on to my ring finger during a drunken and seemingly honest declaration of love

I was not the one

So now I guess we are nothing but a love song

A Taylor Swift song

Since she’s oh so well versed in true love gone wrong

But really, Ke$ha said it best

“Young love murdered, that is what this must be”

And that is what this is, was

But it wasn’t the sudden kind of death

It was the slow lingering kind

That takes so long to happen that you just keep holding on to hope that things will turn around

But it never does

And then all you are left with is memories and pain and sadness and regret and shame and tears and heart ache and…

Love songs

But not the sweet kind

Not like the one I dedicated to you on our first anniversary


You are… I am left with the anger, sad, beautiful and tragic ones

The ones that make your very soul hurt

I think that is what this all lead up to

The six months of love, joy, fights, heart breaks, laughs, kisses, tears

Were just chords, notes

Of our song

Our disillusioned love song



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