On the outside she smiles
Her bright happy Cheshire smile
That's all you see
You don't look inside
I think its because your scared
Because inside is the real her
First there is pain
A pain that can both liberate and trap her
Next there is sorrow
Such a deep sorrow
One that even she is to frightened to further explore
Next there is Lonleyness
For she feels all alone in this big world
Further down there is Anger
Such a strong hateful anger
at herself, the world, but mostly herself
Then there is fear
Fear of what she's become
So terrifying it must be for her to feel all this
Yet have no one to turn to
Finally there is the Darkness
the darkness that is slowly consuming her
this is what is the most terrifying of all not the emotions
its the numbing Darkness beneath
When the darkness takes over she feels less broken
But far more empty
And yet all you see is her façade
You fail to see past my false
Cheshire Smile
And as long as I assure you I'm fine
You'll never see that I will never
Be truelly fine again
So in the end me and my Cheshire smile
Will forever have our love hate relationship
But yet well never stop
And you'll never see past my façade
My perfectly happy
Cheshire Smile