Chapter 1: Buisness as usual

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Sam ambled lazily up the stairs. The past three hours of especially rigorous martial arts left him tired, which was a massive understatement: he was absolutely exhausted, it was a miracle that he hadn't just collapsed on the floor. As soon as he entered his bedroom, he fell onto his bed and slipped into a deep sleep.

Morning came around like an uninvited family member at a wedding. He woke up to the irksome "MEEP, MEEP, MEEP" of his alarm clock, he turned over and slammed it repeatedly until it finally shut up. Peace, at last. He rolled out of bed and fell on to the floor. Still half asleep, he went through his usual morning routine - sloppily brushing his teeth; carelessly combing his hair and throwing on his school uniform. He quickly ate his cheese on toast before fumbling with his headphones and MP3 player to put on his favourite song: Satisfaction by Benny Benassi; to lessen the pain of returning to the hell he called school.

Eventually he arrived at school, he straightened his tie and removed his headphones before joining his friends in the science drop.
"Hello!" Sam said, smiling at his friends - who too had just arrived.
"Hey Sam" Abby returned cheerfully "I nipped to the office before I came here, everyone's got new timetables. We're all in the same classes!"
"Yep, all of us, for all of our classes" Adrian added.
"What a coincidence" Sam responded
"Not really," Emily interjected, trying as best as she could to explain, "you see, we are all friends so it makes sense" The rest of the group looked at Emily with the most confused expression painted upon their faces. An awkward silence hit the group.
"Our next class is next" Abby said in a futile attempt at reducing the awkwardness.
"Really?" Adrian said frivolously, to which Abby responded with "Yes, it said so on our timetables", completely missing the blatant sarcasm which made the group simultaneously face-palm.
"I think we've noticed" Lucas responded, causing Abby to look disappointed in herself.
"Anyway, let's go" Sam instructed.

The five of them reached room 25 and took their seats according to the seating plan displayed on the interactive whiteboard: which unfortunately split Sam from the other four friends, he was sat next to a quite tall person in a heather-grey hoodie with the hood drawn up over their head. Who was this person? Sam had never seen them before, regardless, Sam hoped and prayed that it wasn't some freeloading chav or ridiculous preppy girl. He began to stare at the hooded person in an attempt to understand what kind of person they were.

After five minutes, a teacher rushed in - a supply teacher: one he had had before, the one with the five cats and a successful Instagram page dedicated to beauty and another to dress her cat up in fetching outfits, he had figured all this out on their first encounter. She was carrying a massive designer handbag and had ridiculously long nails.
"Welcome to English" said the teacher. She was stunning: from her head to her toes, she was magnificent, apparently. Although that was hardly a surprise because all of the teachers were sexy - according to the douche-y guys in the school whom are so sexually frustrated that they have to gawk over teachers.
"Open your textbooks to page 69 and start learning" she demanded, before sitting down on the office chair and filing her obviously fake nails. Sam attempted to forget about the mysterious student beside him and turned his attention to the mind-numbingly tedious excerpt on 'Hamlet'. He scribbled the answers onto the page furiously as if his life depended on it, then he hit a brick wall: his natural curiosity about the stranger in the hoodie took control. He stared at the page and thought and thought and thought it over and made nothing of it so he continued to stare at the student. There was something odd about the student, something unnatural about the student, something inhuman. He continued staring, this time taking a particular interest in the student's left hand. They were writing with it, but in an unnatural way, an inhuman way. As if they were robotic in some way; he looked to the front and slightly to the left and saw Stuart copying out of the book, he was writing in a similar fashion to the mystery student. Sam grew suspicious. The student was cheating, they had to be, there was no other logical explanation for it. Without thinking, Sam blurted aloud "Stop cheating!" The class turned and looked at Sam, he felt himself go as red as his jumper.
"Screw you" said a metallic voice from beside of him: it was cold and harsh, like a recording. The teacher looked up, aggravated that two students had the audacity to interrupt her beauty regime
"Quiet! This is your last warning". Then, literally seconds after, the bell sounded. The students hurriedly pack up their bags and rush outside without as much as a "goodbye Miss", except the mysterious hooded figure. Sam finished packing up his stuff and went to leave.

Except he couldn't...

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