Chapter 4

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"I don't care what you think

as long as it's about me

the rest of us can find happiness in misery-"

I hit my alarm clock to stop the song and got up to start the day. I hopped in the shower and started to massage my scalp with the strawberry scented shampoo. The water beads were hitting my skin and slowly cascading down my back relieving me of my stressful night. A shower was just what I needed to get going. I washed off the shampoo and ran some conditioner through it quickly. Once my hair was completely washed, I hopped out and pulled on my green sports bra and my athletic shorts. I walked down to the kitchen to see who was already up and surprise surprise it was only my pack, although to be fair it is only six 'o clock in the morning. I waved everybody over, my devious smirk becoming evident. I told them my plan and soon they were smiling like crazed lunatics too.

We gathered all the materials to put the plan in action and soon there were three of us on the first floor, three on the second, and three on the third floor. I counted to three in our pack mind-link and as soon as I got to the number three everyone started banging on pots and blowing air horns. People started coming out of they're rooms wondering what the noise was and that was when I got the bull horn out. I turned it on and anyone who wasn't up already was about to be in for a rude awakening.


You could hear people rushing to get ready, it was actually quite hilarious. I walked outside and started forming a plan for the training. While I was deep in thought, Daniel chose that exact moment to come out of no where and scare the daylights out of me. I laughed lightly and punched him in the arm.

"So what's the plan for today?" he asked.

"Well I was thinking that I would start with 100 push-ups and sit-ups then do ten laps around the pack house. I figured after that we could take a quick three-minute water break then see what they know about fighting, sound good?" I asked.

He nodded, agreeing that it was a good plan. I checked my watch and saw that Conrad's pack still had three minutes.

People started pouring out of the house standing in rows in front of me. I looked at my watch again and saw that their ten minutes were up so I stood up and walked back and forth in front of them, carefully speculating them before the introductory.

"My name, as some of you may have heard, is Ava and I'm going to be teaching you how to fight-"I started.

"A girl? A girl is going to be teaching us how to fight? I bet you can't even throw a punch," came a voice from the third row.

Before he could even blink I was next to him, thanks to my ability to control air, and I whispered into his ear so that only he could hear, "No, believe me, I can throw a punch and much more. You're the one who can't fight because you are a weak link. I wouldn't need to be here if it wasn't for you and your pack's weaknesses. Now I suggest you don't interrupt me again or I'll show you just how hard I can punch."

You could see him visibly gulp, I didn't think he'd be causing any more problems.

"Now before I was so rudely interrupted, I was going to say that the next two weeks aren't going to be easy and if you don't think you'll be able to stick it out then leave now because I don't believe in quitters." I looked at each and everyone of them and out of all, only five left. That wasn't too bad. "Alright I want everyone to drop and give me 100 push-ups and if anyone complains or stops then I'll add another 100. Got it?"

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