Chapter One

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I enter the large, gray building, trailing behind my parents. Why am I here? I think to myself. Oh, right. To not die. Not that it's entirely important that I live. My parents are just making me be here, so I might as well get used to being "saved".

The office smells of warm vanilla. It's too neat in here for my tastes, but I guess the place is alright. Seats are aligned neatly in rows; a T.V. is on with the volume turned slight up; only about three or four people currently sit in the red and blue chairs. From the corner of my eye, I see my parents walk away and go towards what I assume is the check-in. Are they leaving me here today? I hope not.

Bored, I venture off to check out the place. I sit in a chair, next to some fish. When I tap on the glass, they swim away from me. Under the semi-comfortable seats, I find a penny - heads up. Awesome, I think, grabbing it. Good luck for being in this wretched place. Now sitting on the carpet, I tilt my head up and stare mindlessly up at the T.V. A talk show is currently on.

"Rose?" I hear someone say my name but choose to ignore it. Instead, I crawl around and under the seats, zig-zagging my way through. A few people's legs get in my way, but i easily move around them. I hear my name once again as I pull myself up onto another seat. Throwing my legs over the back of the chair, I flip myself upside down, giggling. I place my hands on the plush carpet and do a handstand, flipping myself backwards and land on the floor
"Rose Ella Fowler!" My mother says. I turn around immediately and salute, then burst into a fit of giggles. She shakes her head. A lady walks out from behind my parents and places her hand on my arm. I scowl.

"Hello dear. We need to give you a test real quick - can you come to a room in the back? Your parents will wait out here," she says. I giggle again and sit on the floor, refusing to move. The lady sighs, signaling my parents to come over and help. My dad walks over, giving me a stern look. I avert my eyes. He grabs my arms and lifts me up, cradling me in his arms. I groan.

He stands me on my feet as I pout. I look up at him with doggy-eyes and his face softens but still stays stern. The lady, who introduces herself as Doctor or Miss Kyra, leads me into a hallway and then into a room all the way in the back.

The room we enter is decorated with lush red walls and a plush purple carpet. Framed art is hung up on the walls, and a fan sits underneath a table that sits in a corner, creating white noise. Comfy.

Doctor Kyra hands me a paper and pencil while I sit in a chair by the table. "I'll be back in fifteen minutes," she says, patting me on the head. I scowl again. Then she leaves the room. Finally alone, I take a minute to get comfortable. Then I take a look at the questions.

    Name: Oh, this is easy. Rose Fowler, I put
    Age: 15
    Date: April 15

This is gonna be super easy if the questions stay this way. After all the easy starter questions, I move on to the harder, more important ones.

    Have you ever felt suicidal? Yes
    If so, when was the most recent? Now
    Have you ever self harmed? Yes
    If so, when was the most recent? Last night
Do you talk to people who aren't physically there? I don't know

Going through a bunch of the questions, I could tell what disorder they were meant for. Depression, Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc. It's not that hard to pick apart, seeing as I have done tons of research on the subject when I was bored.

Fifteen minutes later, as promised, Doctor Kyra returns. By this point, I'm doodling all over the test. She notices and I think she's going to be mad, but instead she just laughs, causing me to laugh along with her. Her wandering eyes search my face and I avert her eyes.

"Well, Rose, I'll take that," she says, grabbing the assessment, "and you can go back out to your parents in the waiting room. We'll call you and your parents tomorrow for you to come back out so you can be admitted into the ward. Make sure you have a bag packed and that you're ready."

I nod, standing to leave. Doctor Kyra lightly brushes my arm on the way out, causing a frown to spread over my face.

When I reach the waiting room again, my parents are huddled together, sitting in chairs, and whispering. I gaze at them expectantly, and when they don't look up at me, I tap my dad's shoulder. He jumps at the touch and calms down once he realizes it's me. I point towards the door. He nods, finishes his conversation with my mom, and gets up.

We walk out to the car and i get in the passenger seat. My mom picks me up and I struggle as she places me in the backseat. I sigh deeply and cross my arms, pouting. My mother laughs at this, making me growl at her, which causes her to laugh even more. I sigh again and rest my head on the window of the car, resting my eyes as we drive away. The cool glass helps to put me into a restful sleep as we drive the hour and a half back home.

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