Chapter 3: Targets

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Cheyenne's POV

"W-wait, so do I send these to the client first or do I file them?" Marcel asked for the 20th time, looking up at me through his impossibly thick glasses.

"No. Marcel. Listen," I huffed at him impatiently, "You highlight the areas that show their balance, then you send A COPY to the client, then you file them. Got it?" He furrowed his brow in confusion and I had a small panic attack when I thought that he still didn't understand it. He ran his massive hands through his combed over hair and pulled off his glasses.

"I get it now" he said finally, and looked up at me again, this time without the bug-eyed glasses and as I took in the beautiful features of his face that were hidden by his glasses I thought maybe my lungs had collapsed... either that or I had forgotten how to breathe. His eyes were such a perfect green and his jaw line seemed to have been carved by angels, possibly by Jesus himself. "Cheyenne? Uh uhm, Miss Mason? Are you ok?" Marcel repeated, placing his glasses back on and standing up from the swiveling office chair. At 5'7" he still managed to tower over me, and I giggled a bit at the way his slacks weren't quite long enough and revealed his high socks.

"Yes, Marcel I'm fine. It's just a little hot in here that's all. I'm going back to my office now, ring me if you need anything else." I walked back to the East Wing in slight shock still of how someone so nerdy and awkward could simply remove his glasses and quite literally take someone's breath away. As the rest of the work day wore on and I finished up moving things into my new office, I received a couple more rings from Marcel on the main floor of the building , and pretended to be annoyed about having to come down and explain so many things to him, but deep down I found myself secretly hoping he'd call me up and ask me to come down to his desk.

Marcel was actually kind of funny in a quirky way, and he was sweet in an innocent kind of way, and somehow when he took off his glasses and messed with his hair a bit he was incredibly sexy in a nerdy kind of way. With an hour left in the work day I hadn't heard a peep from Marcel in over 2 hours and although I was happy he was getting adjusted, I was a bit saddened that he had stopped calling. As if on cue my office phone rang.

"Cheyenne Mason speaking, how may I help you?"

"Oh heeeyyyy Chey, how's training the new employee?" Kat's overly sweet voice came through the phone. I knew she thought it was hysterical that I got stuck with dweebish Marcel but it didn't quite bother me anymore especially since I'd gotten to know him and his quirky sense of humor.

"Marcel is actually really quite smart and honestly funny, and he's catching on pretty quickly. Marcel is just great, thanks for asking though Kat"

"Oh yeah? Why not invite him to the company lunch tomorrow then? If he's not like... embarrassing you know?" she said cheekily, knowing full well I might have been over-exaggerating about Marcel, but naturally not wanting to let her call my bluff I retorted:

"Ya know what Kat? That sounds like a perfect idea! Text me later and let me know what you're planning on wearing, wouldn't wanna look better than you or anything!"

I hung up first feeling pretty smug with myself, then it hit me. I had to take Marcel out... in public... with my co-workers... for an extended period of time. My stomach turned at the though of Marcel dripping sweat and making awkward nerdy jokes in the middle of a corporate luncheon. I decided to take a walk down to the main floor and let him know about tomorrow, but when I approached his desk he was gone. No jacket, no sticky notes left anywhere, no files left in disarray on his desk. In fact, the rolling chair had been placed back perfectly, as if he'd never been there at all. I quickly scrawled a note on a blank sheet of paper: "Marcel, we're heading out to lunch tomorrow & I was wondering if you wanted to join! Give me a call :) " and decided to pack up early and head home. Slightly upset that I didn't get to say goodbye to Marcel...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2013 ⏰

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