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chapter has been revised and edited on jan 1, 2019. not proofread.

sohee woke up with a bad back and tangled hair flying in all directions. she hadn't even noticed that she was lying on her bedroom floor until she attempted to fling her blanket over herself that she realized that it was nowhere in sight.

she pulled herself up from the floor and yawned. almost immediately she regretted that decision when she found the smell of her own morning breath.

it was soon nearing the afternoon and sohee couldn't feel more disgusted by the condition she was in. groggy, smelly and hungry. "reminder never to go out clubbing with my friends again." she mumbled to herself.

after some time sohee somehow convinced herself to take a shower and get cleaned instead of laying in bed for the rest of the day with a hangover. she was startled when she entered the bathroom to see her reflection in the mirror. she was pretty sure that there was no difference between her and a yeti when it came to how she looked at that very moment.

"jesus fuck." sohee leaned in towards the mirror to examine her face closer. she was astonished at how horrible she looked that she wasted no time getting in the shower.

while she showered she thought it was a good time to practice her vocal skills, since everyone she knew constantly told her that her singing was the equivalent of a cat scratching a chalkboard.

after twenty dreadful minutes of her practicing in the shower she finally decided on getting out to get something to eat. feeling as if dressing nicely was pointless she settled on a striped t-shirt and sweatpants to go with it and made her way to her kitchen. she was quite excited to be able to munch on something delicious after her previous night of nothing but cocktails and countless shots of vodka.

though to her dismay as soon as she opened her fridge she frowned in disappointment at her fully stocked fridge that contained nothing that she wanted to eat.

disgruntled, she closed her fridge and sat down at her small kitchen table contemplating whether or not she should go out to eat since that meant she would be wasting more money than necessary.

"chicken sounds good about now." she told herself and agreed to the fact that when it came to food, she had no limit on how much she could spend. making her way back to her bedroom to put on some socks she passed the hallway mirror. backtracking until she saw her reflection again she looked at herself in distaste. "don't look at me like that, it's chicken."

after realizing that she was indeed talking to her own reflection she dismissed the conversation and continued on to her bedroom. taking out a pair of white socks and successfully putting them on inside out and then having to fix her simple mistake in shame she grabbed her phone which lay on her nightstand and hurried out of her apartment.

sohee stood at the door of the apartment complex and watched a gray range rover trundle off down the road. she followed the car with her eyes in envy as it turned the corner and disappeared from her sight. she wanted that kind car, but in the mean time she would have to settle with public transportation and walking to get to her destinations.

she recalled her friend haeun mentioning a small bbq grill only a twenty minute walk from her place and decided she would eat there. she figured she'd be able to shave off some time by taking a shortcut through a nearby park and crossed the street. just as she crossed over to the other side a voice suddenly called out. "look out!"

sohee didn't even get the chance to process what was happening when she was tackled down to the ground. she felt dizzy and was unable to see clearly to identify her attacker who helped her to her feet. "jesus christ are you alright?" a deep voice asked, holding on to her shoulders to steady her since she was not able to do it herself in her state.

"you two, stop right there!" a distant voice of a guy in black could be seen running towards the both of them in a speed of lighting. "fuck. i am so sorry for doing this, i hope you'll be able to forgive me after this." the boy in front of her mumbled in a hushed tone.

"what?" sohee couldn't comprehend the situation she was in. one moment she was crossing the street and the next a boy had handcuffed her to himself and without warning started running, pulling her with him. "what in the actual fuck is happening right now."

she had finally regained most of her vision except for the fact that tears were forming in her eyes due to the wind blowing in her face. what she could put together was that two bulky guys in black suits were chasing the mint haired boy who, for some reason, decided that it would be a fantastic idea to drag her into all of this.

she could feel her legs about to give out after a while of nonstop running in fear of the men in black. she was taken by surprise when the boy suddenly stopped running and she ran straight into a wall next to him. that would definitely leave a mark.

"are you fucking crazy you stupid lunatic-" sohee screamed at him, completely outraged and terrified. she wasn't even able to finish cussing him off when he cut her off by placing his hand over her mouth and pushing her against the alley wall. their proximity to one another was uncomfortable to say the least.

moments passed until the sound of footsteps running past them filled up the previous silence between them before fading out into the distance as quick as it came. sohee couldn't take her eyes off the face of the boy who caused her the most trouble she's ever experienced in her life. it didn't come off as much of a surprise being that sohee lived a quiet and peaceful life.

the mint haired boy who was too occupied worrying whether the bodyguards were coming back or not finally faced sohee after he was sure that they had lost them for good. "oh shit sorry. you good?"

he retracted his hand from her mouth and rubbed his neck awkwardly. "i'm sorry about the whole, you know, running away from my bodyguards thing." he told her picking up her phone he had seen lying on the cement ground only a few feet away. it was cracked, as expected of an iphone.

"thanks, not like i'll be using it anytime soon though- wait, did you just say those were your bodyguards?" she eyed the mint haired boy who averted his gaze from her. "uh yeah, i'd rather not talk about it."

sohee didn't press any further, it was clear that he was uncomfortable by the question. "that's fine. it's not like i'll be seeing you again anyways. bye, i guess."

"wait there's something i have to tell you." he told her, but she only waved at him dismissively. "don't worry about it-" she suddenly stopped in her track, her hand was being tugged back towards him. she turned around to see the boy had his hand reaching out to her, where her hand connected with his by a set of what she could see were handcuffs. "what the fuck."

"that's what i was trying to tell you about." he explained. she shot a glare towards him, telling him not to act smart with her. he complied. "i'm not even going to ask what kind of shit trouble you have gotten yourself into because i genuinely don't care. what i do ask of you is to get this off of me before i strangle you for all the trouble you have caused me."

sohee was taken aback by her attitude towards the boy. she has never acted so rude to anyone before. he only nodded in response and shoved his hand into his pocket before checking the other one and then his jacket. he looked at her with an apologetic smile. "i may or may not have lost the key to open the handcuffs."

at this point she was turning red out of anger and frustration. "well don't you have a spare key or something?!"

"i gave it to my cousin to make sure i wouldn't lose the spare one as well. the only problem is he is out of town to visit his family and won't be back until tomorrow." she gritted her teeth with fists clenched together.

"so what you're telling me is that you accidentally bumped into me, thought it was such a great idea to drag me into your mess and handcuff us together. then you lost the key, most likely when you were running away from your 'bodyguards' and now i have to be stuck to you for the rest of the day?"

"long story short, yes."

"i am so going to murder you."

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