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His feet felt like they were glued to the ground as he only watched as she left the room, slamming the door behind her. His heart was beating uncontrollably for what seemed like forever until he processed what had actually happened.

This was it, he had lost her.


It had been quite a long time since he was in contact with Sohee and so just assumed she didn't want him involved in her life anymore.

He blamed himself for falling for her. It was his fault for handcuffing them together and then somehow losing the key after they had fled from the agents, yet he was thankful that it had happened.

Taking a seat on the edge of his sofa he took a sip of his bitter coffee, the touch of the warm liquid against his lips calming him down. Thinking for a few moments he placed his mug down, fetching his jacket and then heading to the park.

Looking around the park he felt himself going back to the past, seeing himself accidentally bumping into Sohee he felt his lips tug into a smile.

"Yoongi-ah." Hearing a familiar voice call out his name he turns aroung, only to be greeted by the last person he wanted to see on earth making his smile drop down instantly.

"The hell are you doing here Li-Na?" He asked, disgust evident in his voice.

"You haven't forgotten have you? We were supposed to get married soon. Funny how then I heard that you had run away. To believe you actually came to Seoul to live as a free man." She chuckled, stepping closer towards him.

"Fuck with the wedding. Like i'm going to marry a girl who sleeps with different guys each and every week, you slut."

"You haven't changed after all these months, always persistent on having things your way. I would be more than happy to cancel the wedding Yoongi dear, but only on one condition." She told him, catching his interest.

"And that is?" He asked her.

"Kiss me, only this once and after that we can go our seperate ways." She told him, a sly smile clearly shown on her badly makeup applied face.

He was hesitant at first but after thinking it through he agreed. He knew that after the kiss, the madness would be over and he could go back to his normal life.

"Fine, but after this is over, we were never engaged and we had never met each other, understand?"

She smiled widely, nodding before snaking her arms around his neck. (internally screaming at himself to run away)

He took a deep breath before leaning in, their lips touching. As they were kissing Yoongi imagined that it was Sohee he was kissing and found himself deepening the kiss, though he knew it wasn't her for the kiss had no feeling in it.

He wished that it was Sohee, how it would feel to have his lips against hers. Quickly pulling away he found Li-Na laughing as she backed away.

"Perhaps it's best for you to come back Yoongi-ah, since that Sohee girl will surely never take you back after witnessing what we just did." She winked towards him before getting in a black car and driving off.

He quickly pulled out his phone to see that there was a missed call from Sohee. Calling her back he soon heard a familiar ringtone nearby. Following the sound he found her phone lying on the ground.


i'm so sorry this is so short

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