Passing notes

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Dear boy opposite me,
I think your notebook is pretty sweet
~the girl with the big dumb glasses

Dear Ryan (aka the boy opposite me),
What's your answer to D?
~the girl failing maths so bad

Dear Rian (aka the boy opposite me or Ryan spelt wrong,)
Be my valentine?
~the leader of the lonely hearts club

Dear Rian,
I really like you,
~the girl falling head over heels.

Dear Rian,
I'm really glad you said yes.
~the luckiest girl in the whole world.

Dear Rian,
Please tell me you weren't kissing her in the hall way
~a scared girlfriend.

Dear Rian,

Dear boy opposite me,
What's your answer to D
~girl still failing maths.

Dear boy opposite me,
You aren't in today, where are you?
~strange girl leaving notes on an empty desk

Dear boy opposite me,
Why aren't you back?
~slightly panicked strange girl leaving notes on an empty desk

Dear Rian,
I love you you've got to come back eventually, please,
~very panicked strange girl leaving notes on an empty desk

Dear boy opposite me,
They tell me you're dead. Come in and prove them wrong.
~girl with panda eye mascara.

Dear boy opposite me,
You left me your notebook in your will. It's pretty sweet.
~the girl with the big dumb glasses

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