chapter 1 : B.E.A.T

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i walked into class that day hoping everything will turn out ok.

i took my seat next to josh who was star quarter back he barely even notices  me. he cleared his throat and turned to nick. " look its the loser" i rolled my eyes. " nikki walked in she thought she was popular but she wasnt. i hated her so much. then a new boy walked in he smiled and sat enxt to me. i smiled.  ok this me a nsync thing today. haha no its not. he lookedd like it but he wasnt.

after school iw alked to my locker. of course when i opened it thats when my arm was jerked away from it. i knew it was my boyfriend. pete was it he was on the football team best friends with josh just my luck. " i  told you not to open it i had to." he said no one was in the hall but the new kids down the hall and some geeks and the singing club wich i call it the gleek club it reminds me of it. "no you dont not anymore" i said pulling away putting my stuff in my locker.


i look past joey to see what the yelling was..i saw that jock again. " did you hear me " he yelled that made joey jump and turn. then he turned back too me  " ok so rehearsel later " chris said i nodded "right"  i said out of the corner of my eye her get slammed into the locker and it made a loud noise. i hit joeys arm " dude come on " i said running to her lance helped her up " did i just see you slam that girl into the lockers" i said really angery . he cracked his kneck then the knuckles. " and what are you going to do about it " he said joey went next to me. he motioned the dude come to him "what do yo want" he said joey then punched him in the face.

i never seen that happen ever.

jasmines pov

i sat there crying on the floor while one of his friend comforted me. " im tired of this he gets drunk to much i can never end it " i said not finishing my sentence. " and what happens if you try to " the boy said "this happens or alot worse and the worst thing about it is my cousin who i live with doesnt know about it" i said he shook his head. i couldnt help it

the curly head one came next to me. "are you ok" he said i shook my head no why the hell would i be ok. i felt my arm in pain. i couldnt feel it.  "dude what that by your knee"  curly head said "he moved his knee.  "oh no" he said i looked down it was blood. curly head helped me up.  " ill take her to the bathroom i think it was just a cut. " curly head said i never did catch his name.

"justin did she get everything" the boy asked who was comforting me asked. "nothing " i said "lance nothing just grab her bag and take care of that dude." curly said he took me to the bathroom. he went to the spot were i was bleeding. he grabbed paper towels and started cleaning it

" im sorry this happened to you" he said i shook my head " how bad is it" i said " not bad im justing by the way" he said putting a bandaid on it "is it small" i ask he laughed i smiled "im jasmine" i said smiling. his hands were soft.  he looked so perfect.

i wander were lance is" justin said. i shrugged as he took me out of the bathroom. i saw pete " pete we are threw" i yelled as he walked down the hall. he flipped me off. i rolled my eyes. " lance this is jasmine" justin said i smiled as he handed me my bag

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