Welcome home baby

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So Anyways this is the new story from the previous book


You opened the door bringing in Karina inside. Welcome home Karina" you said looking down to see her hazel eyes and then right at that second you heard someone running downstairs

"Let me see my niece!" it couldn't be no other than Nya

"Fine you better not drop her" Kai said as you handed her Karina

"Omg she is so adorable she has your smile and Kai's eyes" she said squealing as you just smiled looking at your baby

"Well I guess it's time for her bottle, Kai do you mind bringing her upstairs while I'll prepare it?" You asked

"Yeah sure" he said as he got Karina for Nya and took her up stairs once there he layed her inside her crib as he look at her face

"You look just like me," he said touching her cheeks

"Don't worry I'll protect you from those guys" He said back


"Finally we are home," you said as Cole walked in from behind you bringing in Nicole wrapped around her blanket

"It's about time, have you seen how those guys were looking at Nikki" he said as you just rolled your eyes at him smiling

"Cole those were just little boys age of three who just asked if they could see her," you said as you got Nicole out of the blanket and walked upstairs as Cole tagged along

Once you opened the door you saw all of the ninja and Nya yell out

"Welcome home!"

"Wow all of you guys did this?" You asked

"It was Nya's idea two force us to go to the baby store" Jay said back as Nya hit him in the back of the head

"Anyways look at this cute outfit that I made" Nya said holding it up

"Omg it's so adorable" you said as you put it on Nikki. It was a little cute dress the color of Coles Gi grey and black

"Like father like....... daughter?"Jay said

So who do you prefer for the baby to be called Nikki for short or just Nicole


"Y/N welcome home" Nya said as Jay walked in with the twins holding up Jake and Jack

"To be honest they look exactly like Jay," she said

"I know right now instead of one troublemaker I have two more," you said back as Jay looked at you confused

"Hey I'm not a troublemaker" Jay protested

*cough* yes you are *cough*Kai said

"Hey why are you here anyways?" Jay asked

"Please ignore him anyways how do you tell them apart they are identical twins" Nya said

"Mom's always know anyways if you really want to find out Jake was born with his hair curled at the bottom while Jack was born with straight hair, oh I just can't wait to buy them matching outfits" You said squealing already imaging how they look

"Well I did you a favor and went to the store and bought them these," Nya said holding up blue Gi's similar to Jays

"Wait they sell this at the store?" You ask grabbing the Gi's

" When you're the greatest hero of Ninjago they'll sell anything related to you" Nya said back

"Ow there pulling my hair" Jay said as you turned around seeing Jack and Jake pulling his hair

"See already a troublemaker" you smiled


"I just can't wait to show you your new room Zack" you said as Zane opened the door for you

"Welcome home you live in a big family what your sensei that will teach you how to become the greatest ninja just like your daddy but you could call him Grandpa Wu and you also have your aunt Nya and your four uncles" you said

"I just can't wait to see you grow up" Zane said touching Zane's soft cheeks

"But not too soon" you said smiling

"This reminds me" Zane said as he took something out from his pocket it was a bracelet with Zack's name carved onto it

"Just a little present for my son"

That is when you see Nya come out of nowhere

"Let me see the baby he is so cute" she cooed "You'll enjoy your new life with your crazy uncle"


"Kai!" Lloyd said coming inside the house with you behind

"Why would you give the fangirls the address" Lloyd said glaring at Kai

"Hey you need to keep the fans updated" Kai said

"I'm going to beat you up" Lloyd said as he grabbed Kai's collar

"Not in front of Laura" you said

"You're off the hook for now" Lloyd said letting go of Kai's collar

"Come here princess" he said turning around to grab Laura from your arms

"You are just so cute" he said when all of a sudden Laura started crying

"Oh no what did I do" Lloyd said panicking. You just rolled your eyes smiling as you put the bottle in her mouth

"Look she was just hungry also i need to go get something in the car do you mind feeding her?" You asked

"No problem" he as he walked upstairs to her bedroom as he sat down on the bed feeding her,her bottle

"I could already tell you are going to become Ninjago's greatest ninja"

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