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Hello guys. To those who are very irritated that I keep creating new stories without completing the old ones, I am sorry because I only write when I feel to, then there's my habit of not continuing a story after the story writing hype fades. Plus I have to create stories since it randomly pops up out of nowhere. Making the new chapter plots to float away further in to the dark abyss of amnesia. But no worries, I expect this series to end quick(I estimate 30.5% of you might get a hint of the ending). So, let us not delay this further and start the back story.

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It all started back when I was a soldier named, Martin Laflèur, for the United Nations Space Federation. I was a famous soldier, with rumors spreading that I was on the verge of being promoted again further to Major of the army.

We were suppressing a resistance faction on the colonial planet of K'tesh, when we received a distress call from a village called Zra-kal. I told my superiors and asked about rescuing it. I was also known for my good survival instincts, which led all of my men to glorified safety. But they told me that Zra-kal is already marked for an artillery barrage and I should await orders from them.

Typical bureaucrats, can't even step out of their safe luxurious and definitely secured of a space called "Command Room". No matter. Few more years and I'll be leading everyone. Abolishing this system full of ignorant and egoistic aristocrats.

I followed my senses and went to Zra-kal by myself.

By the time I arrived it was already too late. I was surrounded by men in black cloaks. Men who aren't interested in talking for they attacked me immediately with swords.

I dodged their attacks with ease until a man equipped with twin swords attacked me. At first it was easy until he noticed my movement patterns. He did a windmill which made me trip on my back.

It didn't last long as the others pierced my armor suit, killing me in an instant.

And that's where everything started..

Something flashed in front of my eyes. It took me awhile for my brain to process everything until I started to see those as images of people. At first I thought it was what they called "reminiscing the past" but it became clear when all of a sudden I started to remember. These were my past lives.

I woke up, everything was blurry but I was inside some kind of laboratory. I quickly wore my glasses and everything became crystal clear.

I became a scientist who was closing on the cure for a virus named T-71BM. I didn't know how I knowledge of all these stuff but it didn't last long. As soon as I came to, a man wearing a black coat shot me.

I woke up on a branch of the highest tree. I became an assassin in a Meiji-like era. I'm the one who kills the corrupt and those who oppress the weak.

Just as I expected. Those men in black cloaks appeared again. I managed to kill every one of my pursuers that day then asked my informants for information but none possesses the answer I want. After that, I laid low for awhile.

For a year and a half, I hid in the shadows. Until, I decided to attack the Tokugawa Clan and end the oppression they've been committing to the villages they've captured.

I've infiltrated the mansion, chased Tokugawa, and killed those who've stand in my way. The time has come. I cornered him. Just before the tip of my blade met his throat, he told me something that really piqued my attention. He told me about the ones hunting me down.

They call me a "Shifter" and themselves as "Puritans", a secret cult who sworn to hunt me down until my very last "Shift". He also said that they don't see me as a demon nor a god but an abnormal dark entity who possesses over a holy person's body and my presence shall be eliminated from all existing worlds.

At least, that's what I got out from him.

After hearing all of it, I slashed his throat, his blood splattering all over the room.

Then I shall hunt these so called "Puritans" and I might find some answers from them.

Right after I jerked the Tokugawa's blood off my blade, those men- no- Puritans, showed up again, blocking my exit.

"I know who you are now and what I am capable of." Suddenly, someone chuckled behind those cloaked men.

"I knew Tokugawa- san -wait -was it 'kun' ?  Anyway, I knew Tokugawa will spill the beans by the time he'd encounter you so, I offered him power and wealth.  Poor, young Sakamoto, so naive, he asked no more."

I shifted my stance, then leapt towards them blade front. He instantly blocked it by shoving two daggers. I spun my body simultaneously and tried to pierce my blade at his chest but it got caught in the process.

He whispered something through my left ear.

"Time's catching up with you. I'm doing you a favor and giving you a head start." My eyes widened as he stabbed me in the chest, my heart, and before fading into darkness, he decapitated my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2016 ⏰

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