Chapter 1

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"Okay, we're here 969."

That's Greg, One of the main people in charge of this whole government experiment thing.

His eyes convert to the hanging mirror.

"My name is Callie."

I point out.

Nobody ever calls me by name in this program.

Nobody ever has and its been

18 years.

I get out of the car, and slam the door.

I can just tell by how everyone's dressed that this is a pretty laid back school.

Thank god, I thought that this was some preppy, scrict and obnoxious school that makes you really wonder how bad this generation turned out.

I walk forward while taking small glances at the other people rushing in.

I stop to take 5 seconds to read the notification sign about schedule changes, then this guy literally shoves past me, forcing me to drop my journal.

As im hunched over struggling to get up, I look up and he's just standing there.

With his head tilted down hoping to make eye contact.

"You okay?"

"Sure, i'll be fine, thank you very much."

I slowly stand up, picking up my journal, realizing i have a sore spot on my thigh.

"Oww. Owwwwww." I try to walk away strong but end up limping the whole way.

I hear foot steps behind me.

"I take that as a 'no'." He said taking my back pack off my shoulders, taking some pressure off my legs.

"Thanks." I paused. "And thanks for the bruise." I said, probably pushing my sarcasm too far.

"I did say sorry like a minute ago. Remember?"

People were still rushing to there classes, we were already pretty close to my first period.

I limped faster to stop this useless conversation with this guy.

"Can i have my stuff back now?"
I extended my hand out, a sign that i wanted it now.

"Well.. Since you put it like that."

He lifted my bag off his back and started to hand it back to me when..


He snatched it back.

"Your name?"

I groaned.


He shrugged.

"Just curious."

I give up. This guy is just relentless.

"Ughhh.. Callie. Now, can i have my bag?" I drag the word 'now'.

Again, when i thought that i was getting my backpack back.

He extended his hand out expecting a handshake.

I just pinched one finger and shook it.

"Well. Callie?" he had a confused face because of my finger gesture, "I'm drake."

He just smiled, only holding my eye contact for like 2 split seconds before I just started staring at a clock behind his ear.

They told me that the period begins when this so-called bell rings.

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