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jordan: hey man!

will: are you fucking kidding me

jordan: well hello to u to

will: .....five seconds in and you already fucked up. the second 'to' should be too*

jordan: oh whatever.

will: at least you're using mostly full sentences now

jordan: you're rubbing off on me!

will: ew. I would never rub on you >.<

jordan: aw ;( that hurts m8

will: so what. we're not friends anyway

jordan: ouCH

will: what

jordan: I thought we were going to be gr8 friends and have sleepovers and stuffs

will: jordan

jordan: yes will?

will: where do you live

will: like what country/city

jordan: I live in Vancouver

will: okay. right. this is why we can't be ""friends"" and have ""sleepovers""

jordan: ??????

will: I live in the UK

jordan: oh. how are you and Ivan doing tho

will: it's ISAAC

will: I S A A C

jordan: chill bro👌🏼

will: ugh. fine. and he's great, he's actually going to Canada for his job so that's cool.

jordan: whereabouts?

will: ummm, north Vancouver? I think?

jordan: ooooh maybe I'll get to meet him😉😉

will: jesus christ.

will: maybe.

jordan: will?

will: yes, jordan?

jordan: can I pleAse have a photo of you?

will: only if you give me one of you.

jordan: DEAL :D

will: you first, so I know if you're going to screw me over.

jordan: -multimedia message-

will: dAMN you didn't tell me you were attractive

jordan: your turn :p

will: -multimedia message-

[photos at top]

jordan: fuCK

jordan: I sAy AGAIN; FUCK


will: oh shit, Isaac's here. gotta go. bye!

jordan: oh. um, bye.

read 14:32 pm

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