This is basically a mashup of once upon a time pretty little liars and orange is the new black.
I wrote thus when i was 12 but still give it a read pls and thank you❤
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As Hanna and spencer were walking down the far east hallway next to the cafeteria they suddenly ranninto Caleb and Noel Kahn Caleb, Hanna said. As she motioned for a hug Caleb turned away and huged spencer tightly. Spencer oh my god are you OK? Hanna GRE a slight devastated look in her eyes as spencer and and Caleb huged each other like there was no tomorrow. Wait Noel? Spencer said. What are you two doing here? Umm we just kinda work here and so do Ezra, Andrew cambell, and toby. Seriously Hanna said we have to tell Aria and Emily. Not necessarily. How would you fell if three of your ex boyfriends were guards at the prison you were locked up in? Asked Noel with a comforting yet grimy grin on his face. Right Hanna said but she's bound to fund out sooner or later right? Exactly Caleb said later it is. When Caleb and Noel Kahn walked away it made Hanna felt like he was mad at her or something .
Sorry that this chapter was so sorry but there is going to be a party 2 soon so stay tuned.....
Hey guys where have you been? Emily asked Hanna and Spencer when they finally returned to Emily's and Hanna's cubicle. What do you mean, Hanna answered. Me and Spence told you that we were going to the bathroom before we left. Yeah but you guys were gone for like 30 minutes you couldn't have been at the bathroom It's filthy and literally smells like shit no one can stand to be in there for a half an hour Emily stated. Em, Hanna spoke after she finished, We did go to the bathroom but on our way back we..... UGH Hanna Spencer interrupted, On our way back we bumped into Caleb and Noel Khan. How? What? Why are they here Emily uttered. There guards Em, Hanna finished. Wait so 3 of my exes are guards at the prison i'm locked up in, Aria mentioned interrogatively. Yeah Aria that's true, But you dated them 7 years ago you might wanna get over yourself there not here for you. Spence, but what about Ezra there's no doubt in me that he's not here for her, Hanna stated not even giving a shit if Aria was standing right next to her. Stop you guys are acting like i'm the only one here with an ex Aria muttered, Quite frankly i thought Emily was the only one here without an ex 1 of her exes is dead 1 of them is trying to kill us and 1 of them is all the way in California probably not even knowing, or giving a damn, that shes rotting in a prison for something she didn't even do and who knows where the other 1700 of her exes is at. Seriously Aria why'd you say that Spencer said. What Spencer you know that Toby's here right? Or are you and Caleb gonna run around this prison making out in the janitors closet all me and Ezra style like this is high school or something. News flash guys it's not, Aria Expressed with no sugar even reaching the surface of the coat. Aria that's enough what is wrong with you/ Emily asked her with light shining on Emily's face making Aria feel 10 times worse than she already does. Aria are you okay? Hanna asked her. NO! No i'm not okay. We are in prison don't you guys get that prison, Aria answered. We're eating stale crackers and peeing in stalls without doors. I'm scared, i'm scared that we are Never going to get out of here. i'm going to go take a walk just please don't follow me, Aria asks while getting up in rage......