Chapter 37: I'm Moving On, I'll Promise Change

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Chapter 37: I'm Moving On, I'll Promise Change

Ashley's POV

I got back home after visiting Andy in rehab. He really fucked up big this time. I walked into my house to see Gina and Lani sitting on the couch. Lani was sobbing on Gina's shoulder. 

"Ashley, can I speak to you in the kitchen?" Gina asked. I nodded and walked into the kitchen. Gina got up and walked into the kitchen.

"Andy ch-"

"Cheated on her, I know." I said in a hushed voice. "I just came back from visiting Andy. He asked me to try to talk Lani into forgiving him. He's doing really bad right now."

"She's pregnant and he cheated on her."

"Gina, she's going to forgive him sooner or later. She loves him and she's having his children. I'd say they try to work through this while he's in rehab. If he gets out of rehab and they're still fighting, he's going to go straight to the liquor store. He's been working really hard and he feels so bad."

"You just don't get it Ashley. You don't know how it feels to be pregnant. You feel fat and unattractive. She feels like Andy isn't attracted to her anymore and so he slept with Juliet because she's "skinny" and "pretty". I've been in Andy's shoes. I cheated on Ronnie with you, remember?" I nodded. "But I also know how much it sucks to be pregnant. You heard me complain to you while I was carrying Cass. It fucking sucks Ashley."

"Fuck this." I groaned, walking to the living room. "Lani, Andy feels really bad about what he did and he wants to work it out with you."

"Ashley!" Gina exclaimed.

"I was going to let you tell her gently but you're being fucking impossible." I grumbled at Gina.

"I'm hurt Ashley."

"I get that Lani." I said, sitting next to her on the couch. "Look, Andy is my best friend. You're my best friend. You guys are so madly in love with each other.It hurts me to see either of you in pain. I know you guys are eventually going to make up. You love each other too much to get a divorce. It would be much better if you guys made up while he's still in rehab so both of you, but mostly him, have time to work through it. If you guys are still fighting when he gets released in three weeks, he's headed straight to the liquor store and all of this work will be for nothing. Take your time to grieve, whatever, but just give him a call. Let him know you need a few days. Keep him updated with what's going on and what you're going through. He needs your support right Leilani. Please. I hate to see my best friend in pain. He knows he fucked up."

"I'll think about it."

"Thank you." I said and went up the stairs. 

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