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Lani's POV

"Are you guys ready to see your home?" I questioned, holding the twins carriers while Andy unlocked the front door. This is our first time home since having the twins and I couldn't be more excited to be out of the hospital. Sure, the extra help from the nurses was great, but that was about the only good part.

"Welcome home!" Andy smiled, opening the door and walking in. I followed him in and set the carriers on the ground. Bruce ran up and jumped onto Andy, licking him.

"Someone's happy we're home." Andy chuckled. Bruce said hi to me and then walked up the babies.

"Bruce! N-"

"Lani, just let him check them out. He's curious." Andy said as Bruce sniffed Amber.

"What if he hur-"

"Lani, he hasn't ever hurt anything."

"But they're frag-"

"Shh." Andy said, wrapping his arms around me and holding me tight. Bruce sniffed Anna and then looked up at us.

"Those are your sisters." Andy said, bending down and petting the dog.


I was woken up to Bruce pawing me. 

"What is i-" Suddenly, I heard the babies crying. I sat up and swung my legs over the bed. Bruce ran out of my room and down the hall. I walked down to Amber and Anna's room and he sat by their cribs, wagging his tail.

"Awh, are you worried about them?" I chuckled. I grabbed Anna and went to go change her.

"I got the other one." I heard Andy's groggy voice. We got the babies back to sleep and got back into bed. Andy wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.

"I'm so grateful to have three amazing girls in my life." Andy said, kissing my cheek.

Lead Me Out Of The Dark (Andy Biersack Love Story) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now