February 1st - How Everything Started

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The day is February 1st. Normally, I would be happy that it's February,but this time, I'm not. My friends for some really strange reason have stopped talking to me and I have no idea why. I noticed all of this behavior last month. Last month I was in desperate need if consolation because my little sister died of some mysterious sickness, and when I found out I fell in a huge depression. She was one of the few reasons why I would keep on fighting, and to find out that she passed away it hurt me a lot. A few days after they found out they just stopped talkimg to me. That hurt me even more because I less people to talk to and express myself to. My mom was always at work and I bareky saw her, my father didn't live with us and my brother was getting ready for college and I did not want to bother him with my problems.

So this is my first story. I had to make it for a class grade and I felt like I needed to continue it and make it a bit longer. Please do not leave negative comments here this is just some silly story I had to make and I decided to add it here. Btw I do not know what my updating schedule will be, but it will not be very frequent, sorry. ): OH!! And pls feel free to correct my errors. Thanksss


What is your favorite color?? Mine is mint green.

Bye now,

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