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'i'm a goner somebody catch my breath'

plantguylester🌸: aye. it's me 'amazingphil' from tumblr. how's it going?

read at 7:20p.m.

emomeme🌚: why hello fellow citizen. it's me 'danisnotonfire' from tumblr. wait. you already know that 😂 whale woops.

phil lester read the text and started laughing. he seems like a funny guy. this is going to be fun.

plantguylester🌸: omg whales. my own kind. my babes. my family. my boobs.

boobs. really? wow philip you are so amazing.

emomeme🌚 is typing...

emomeme🌚: yus. they are also my boobs. i have to ask, why did you text me out of all of your 2k followers. you're like my #1 idol.

#1 idol huh. well i've never gotten that before. what a shocker.

plantguylester🌸: ho ho ho. #1 idol i see. i'm honored. v v v v v honored. well i found you first and i like your profile.

read at 7:34p.m.

emomeme🌚: i'll text you later amazingphil. bye bye lion.

phil lester frowned while turning off my phone. it actually was really fun texting this dan guy. maybe tomorrow i'll text him.


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