Mullins Base

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My name is... well my name doesn't matter, it's not like anyone will remember it. The day was normal... well as normal as it can be during the Zombie apocalypse. However, the day doesn't end the normal military way with a freezing sponge for a shower, mushy bake beans for dinner, and a scratchy blanket that gives you mild warmth but a rash on any exposed skin. Another freezing and dreary day somewhere in England, I spend my times transporting paper between labs. It's not like I work on ground breaking research on the cure, just a job I was assigned with upon the outbreak. My life was nothing special, and therefore I won't go into details about it.

"Soldier 93486 report to the chopper immediately, repeat soldier 93486 report to the chopper immediately." The intercom system crackled to life, calling me to the too the air field. I walk towards the air field from the science lab, when I hear foot steps behind me. 

"So you are the poor bastard that has to go help another township? Sucks to be you." Soldier 92964, or in other words Lachlan Trimal.

"Yeah, what of it? It won't be that bad, it won't be for long." I replied, annoyed to the fact that I am being sent away from the Mullins base, into a back water little township. "I have no idea what I am going to be doing, I'll know once I get into the township."

"Ahhh it won't be so bad, I head out to Brunswick next week. The guys that I head out to don't even have a decent fence. At Least Able Township has stone walls around them." Lachlan slings an arm around my shoulders as we walk towards the helicopter.

As we get closer we see my pilot checking over the chopper, checking the cargo with a frown. "That's never a good sign, a pilot frowning over cargo." Lachlan mused. 

"Its most likely due to the fact that even we are running low on medical supplies, and that is one of the things that we are meant to be taking into Able Township." I grimace and walk to the chopper leaving Lachlan behind with a wave of my hand.

"Ready to go?" Taylor asked gesturing to the chopper. 

"Let's get this over with."

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