A lost Child

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The area surrounding the gates was a flurry of activity, it has been for days now. Runner 4, Jody, had brought a report that there was a child in no man's land; the open land between us, New Canton and the cities. Sam had gotten Jody to get me up and send me to the mess hall for breakfast while he sends out the other runners out for their missions while we wait on the conformation of me being sent out. Now with the confirmation that it is indeed a child that needs help, I'm standing in front of the gates waiting for Sam.

"Raise the gates! Runner Five ready... gates are open, covering fire, and... Go! We've had that report confirmed, Runner Five. There's a kid wandering in no man's land. You're heading right for it." I can hear the gates closing behind as the sound of the gate siren dying behind me while the sounds of the undead surround me.

"Sometimes happens that way, you know. Zom attacks, parent fights it off, gets bit, kills the zom, then abandons the kid and runs as far away as possible so they won't eat it when the turn; ugh. Kid zoms are the worst, though, aren't they?"

"Yeah, it's sad to see that they are left behind by the parents whether it's the parents or the child that get bitten," I reply back, thinking of the sound that my step-sister made over the phone when the outbreak hit Australia; Sam hums in agreement to my statement.

"Sometimes, in these scenarios, as you've said; the kid's been bitten too - watch yourself. But in this case, we think not. We've been monitoring for a few hours, and kids usually turn faster than adults - faster metabolism, everything works faster. I saw a kid once went zom in under five minutes - parents watching! That was grim." I hear the sound of the chair creaking as he shudders at the memory, he sighs once before changing the subject.

"So, hey, Runner Five - you've already made quite the name for yourself around here. Especially after leading those zoms past New Canton. We didn't expect to get a new runner so soon. Well, I knew someone would be coming in on that supply copter from the military base up north, but all they told me was that we'd be getting some more med kits, some extra shelters, with someone who knew how to put them up. Guess you were supposed to chopper in, show us how to build the shelters, chopper out, right? Guess your guys don't want to send another chopper for you, seeing what happened to the first one, eh? Bummer."

Sam laughs at his little joke, but I furrow my brows at the last part of the sentence. Doesn't Sam want me here? Did he wish that I would go back to Mullins? The thought hurt, I had hoped that after the all the training that I had to undertake, once with him training with me, we had become better friends. Well, friendly enough that he would consider me a friend. However, before I can question him on it, he continues on.

"We're still no nearer figuring out what happened there. Didn't come from New Canton, didn't come from us, obviously. Didn't come from the city. No one there but walking dead anyway, and the day they start to use rocket launchers, we'll all be in trouble. Seems like it might have come from the wilderness, kind of near where you're heading today? Anyway, you're doing great, yep, nice steady pace, all clear on the scanner up ahead, just... keep going." The thought of heading into an area where people had attempted to kill me before wasn't a pleasant idea, but was they trying to kill me? And if they were, why?

After running for some time, I could hear the faint sounds of a child crying. Sam, thankfully, let me know that I was indeed heading towards my destination.

"Alright... you're getting close to the kid now. I know the Major's always saying we haven't got enough space back at base, and every person has to pull their weight, and taking all comers is kinda how New Canton got into the trouble they're in now, but still - I'm glad everyone's on board with not letting children die from exposure. It's basic ground rules of human society, you know." Sam huffs out a quiet laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2016 ⏰

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