Chapter 19

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Bree's POV 1 Day Later

I've been avoiding Adam all day but now I have night patrol with him and nobody wanted to change with me.

Thanks guys

*Note to sarcasm

I went outside were we usually meet and saw Adam with flowers and as soon as I got close to him he held them out for me to take them with hope in his eyes

But I just grabbed them and threw them on the floor I know that's harsh but he deserves it

He looked really hurt which made me feel bad

Adams POV

Her throwing those flowers was like throwing my heart on the floor if we ever got back together we would need a miracle

Bree's POV

We are walking in circles in silence and suddenly are hands touched for a second and that's when I realized

I still love Adam

but the trust we had would be hard to regain but I was willing to try

B Adam

A Yeah

B I still love you

A I still love you and when your ready we can give it another shot

I walked to him and did something that surprised us both I kissed him

Then I ran to were he gave me the flowers and picked them up and offered them to him and he took them

Hi guys sorry this chapters short and cheesy but I hope you liked it



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Gea 😎

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