Chapter 20

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Brees POV

I know what your thinking, that what just happened is super cheesy

Anyway when we finished with night shift we all went to the boys cabin

The guys faces when they saw us holding hands were seriously priceless Amanda suddenly said

Well I didn't a night shift was so powerful over love!

Me and Adam chuckled and then we all sat in a circle and started daring each other

In the end Amanda ended with a licked face by Tyler I know gross I got lipstick all over my face Adam got water over his head Tyler got a wet T shirt and Eldon got his legs waxed by me and the girls (I think Eldon's was the worst)

When it was like 2:00 am we all went to bed after talking for a while and playing board games

                     The next day

We woke up did the usual and when me and Adam walked in the cafeteria holding hands Shelly's face went fuming

She kept giving us death glares through out  the entire breakfast.

Then we went to the first activity Ann's Shelly gave us more death glares

And after the activity guess what Shelly did at lunch

Kept on giving death glare!

And after that we did all of the activities left and when we finished night patrol we talked about only having 4days left at camp and how we thought school would be.

Hi guys I'm sorry this chapter is short pleas



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