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"Waaah, less than a year and we can finally date!" Jackson yells energetically at us. He grabs BamBam and the two start dancing hand in hand.

"I mean, I have nothing against you, hyungs, but I wonder what it's like to spend Valentine's Day with the one you like," BamBam yells as he and Jackson spin around the room.

"YOU PUNK! DON'T YOU LIKE ME?!" Jackson bursts out, pretending to be hurt.

"Aish, sit down, both of you! You're making me dizzy! Besides, aren't you beat from our schedule?" JB sits on the stage floor, looking at the two who still have energy to spare.

"Can we still date though? I mean we'd be busy with promotions, comebacks, practices, fan meets and events... I'm not against it, but I don't think we'd have the time," Mark adds, while lying on his belly, his elbows propped up, face on his hands.

Youngjae sniffs and then says, "I dink I'm gunna get a cold." He sits beside JB and watch JackBam go to and fro the room. "To be honest, I don't bind not habing a Valentine's date. I bean the fans gib us love... But the wedding proposals though."

Yugyeom sits and crosses his legs and also watch Jackson and Bam Bam. "I – I don't think I'm ready to date yet." His ears turn red and he bows his head.

I sit beside Mark, and he rolls on his back and stares at me. "How about you, Junior? You ready?"

I think about it and was about to shake my head but an answer comes to mind. "I'm not looking for love, but if it finds me, then it finds me."

JB applauds and says, "Mom's right. I guess we really can't control who or when we fall in love. We just do..." he mutters something under his breath which sounded ominous.

"I just hope we'll be ready when it does." His forehead scrunches and he catches my eye, then waves it away, as if telling me not to worry.

Mark mutters something back at JB and both laugh. I hit the both of them and they grin sheepishly at me.

"Love is a bitch sometimes."

"Mind the language, HYUNGS," I mutter at the corner of my mouth.

"HEY, DANCING QUEENS, LET'S GO!" JB suddenly yells and starts to stand. "The van's ready, time to go." Obediently we line up and march out of the back door and into the cold night. We get in the van and everyone settles down. I see Jackson and BamBam start to drift off, Youngjae with a blanket and pillows sniffling. Yugyeom was staring out the window, his eyelids drooping.

I was sitting between Mark and JB, my eyes starting to droop as well, when the van suddenly stops and we all lurch forward. Mark was able to stop me, but the others weren't so lucky. I hear thuds at the seat behind me and assume that BamBam, Jackson and Yugyeom smacked their heads on our seats. JB's eyes were narrowed and he was rubbing his hand on his forehead. I hear Youngjae's sniffle and he calls out, "Is ebryone okay?"

"NO. But everyone's awake. What gives?" Jackson asks.

"Bad alarm, the worst," BamBam mutters sleepily.

The manager gets down and we hear him angrily yelling at the person. JB opens the door a bit and we try to see who it was. Suddenly we hear a sniffle. We look at Youngjae and his eyes widen at surprise. "That wasn't be," he says.

We look in time to see a girl, her head bowed. She raises it and our eyes meet. Her eyes were red, as if she'd been crying

"Manager, that's enough. It's Valentine's Day and that girl must want to be with her special someone right now..." Jackson says. I inwardly cringe and look at the girl's reaction. Instead of being thankful, her eyes fill up with tears again as she runs away.

We all look at Jackson.

"Was it something I said?!" His face creased with worry.

"Jackson, when you see a girl crying on Valentine's Day, would you really assume that she has someone to be with right now?" Mark deadpans.

Jackson blushes as understanding crosses his face. "Oh. When you put it that way," he says in a small voice.

"Well, we have to hurry, we're behind schedule – HEY JINYOUNG WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" The manager yells. I didn't stop to explain, I was already running after her. 

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