A Rose Only For You

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A Rose Only For You (Bucky x Reader)

A/N: So.. Wow. It's officially been two months since i last updated... I feel like a horrible person for making you wait so long, but i've got so many things going on my life now, especially school. I'm sorry about that. Other than that, since it's close to Valentine's day, i figured i would do something regarding it. So here it is! I apologise if there are spelling and grammatical mistakes and i hope you enjoy.

Summary: The reader is a florist who owns a small flower shop in an obscure part of the city. With Valentine's day creeping closer, there had been an increase in the sales, leaving the reader incredibly busy. When a small incident takes place, leaving a few broken flowers on the ground, there they meet a mysterious man with the sudden interest in flowers. Will love spark between the two before the day of love? Or will it be a forgotten tale?

Warnings: Fluff. All the fluff.

In your peripheral vision, you could see the grey, mundane truck pullover near the sidewalk. Figuring that it was the latest arrival of fresh new flowers, you treaded towards the drab truck, your eyes briefly trailing the back of the vehicle. A gracious smile appeared on your face, as the back doors of the truck opened. Your eyes grazed each and every pigment of colour, ingraining it in your memory.

The gentle aroma of luscious flowers and plants wafted through the air. Instinctively, you inhaled it, the chilling sensation of the saccharine like fragrance was permeated through your nostrils, slowly engulfing your whole body. You breathed out contently as you strolled to the various types of flowers. There, you took a good look at each individual flower.

The Peruvian Lilies that you ordered previously from South America stood tall, the hues of pink and white blended together to make a perfect gradient of colour. The hint of yellow pigment evident on the petals accompanied with the unique patterns made the flower to be incomparable. Hidden in the back corner, the Grandiflora Roses sat, a single ray of sunlight hitting it from a 45 degree angle, giving off a shiny and glossy look.

You smiled brightly to yourself, happy that everything seemed to be in order. You ushered the drivers to help you carry your flowers into the petite store. After each of the plants were lined up evenly on the floor, you thanked the drivers and continued inspecting the flowers individually.

Many people past by, their eyes often entranced by the enchanting flowers. Roses and lilies were a sell out seeming that it was just a few days until Valentine's day. Tons of orders were placed in favour of the day, and revenue came in at a steady rate. Basically, Valentine's day was one of the best days of the year. Only due to the profit you made from it, but other than that, you stayed clear away from romance.

You preferred to watch couples embrace each other, their bright smiles gracing their features. Just the pure joy simply overwhelmed you. It was one of the things why you loved your job. Just the act of bringing joy and happiness to someone's life with one of nature's most beautiful gifts, made you happy and contented.

The store itself wasn't big but it was cozy and welcoming enough to attract customers. A large window adorned the front store, flowers aligned in a neat and orderly aisle. Each different species sectioned into a specific area. The walls were painted with a soft, pastel mint green with a few art pieces hanging securely on the walls. On the far left of the store, there were tables and chairs placed evenly around a small cut off section that was separated from the aisles of flowers.

You maneuvered around the bouquets and packages of flowers on the ground, swiftly heading towards the front counter. Your eyes gazing at the bursting colours of your store, the vintage furniture giving off an authentic vibe. A rush of satisfaction overcame your senses. Just the image of the perfection and serenity of your store made your gut squirm in delight. You gently took a sip from your coffee, the instant warmth seeping through your skin, entering your body as it spreads out in all sorts of directions. With an appeased sigh, you sunk deeper into your chair, the cushions brushing your skin as the soft velvet sends prickling sensations through your arms.

The next day, started off just like any other. The unusual, clear morning sky peaking through the horizon, the sun rising in the distance. You can sense the cold, chilly air with each step you took. The pavements were wet and icy, prompting you to walk a little slower. With layers and layers of clothing on and a cup of delicious hot chocolate, you were in a bliss.

The streets weren't as busy as they were before. There was a diminishing amount of cars on the road, as well as the hustling pavements. Hardly a person in sight. Then again, it was still dawn so there may be an increase of people during the daytime. You tucked your hands into the pockets of your warm coat as a large gust of wind blew towards your direction, your body shivering in the process. As you approached your store, you gently took out your keys and carefully inserted them in the keyhole.

With a click, the door swiftly opened revealing your safe haven and utopia. Everything was perfectly in place just like the day before. The flowers were neatly wrapped into tight bouquets and packaged into small red, decorative boxes. 

Naturally, you sauntered towards the aisles , your hands instinctively reaching out to the flowers on the aisles. With each slow and steady step, your hands brush the flowers feeling the soft and gentle petals against your fingertips. The feeling of elation clouded your senses completely. You smiled tenderly to yourself as the aroma of sweetness filled the air.

In the middle of the day, people had started to come and go. Many of them were men looking for the perfect Valentine's gift. Others were happy couples browsing the delicate and ravishing flowers.

Figuring that you needed to add more into your front display, you walked along the aisles and gathered an assortment of Carnations, Orchards and Lilies. When you reached the door, you pushed it with your back while clutching tightly to your flowers. 

As you took a step backwards, you felt a sudden collision causing you to drop your flowers and fall over. You landed on the ground with a thud as your flowers were scattered everywhere on the ground. Your heart broke a little inside as you saw the small, fragile petals on the ground. The carnations that was once beautiful and delicate were now destroyed and it left an internal scar inside of you.

Gingerly you pushed yourself up, grunting and rubbing the side of your elbows, you looked up to see a tall, muscular man standing above you. His hand was outstretched as he offered to help you up. You stared at his hand longer than you intended as you hesitated a little but finally found yourself gripping his hand tightly. 

"Are you okay?" The mysterious man asked, his eyes swirling with concern as his face contorts into one with worry and guilt. You nodded reluctantly in response, not a word coming out of your mouth.

You bent down to your knees and picked up the flowers off the ground, individually collecting each and every broken petal on the ground. Unaware, you finally looked up, seeing the man help you pick up the petals off the ground. You smiled a little at how determined he looked, but realised that your carnations were ruined as they were the only batched you ordered.

"Im sorry about the flowers. I just... I just didn't see where i was going." He explained, his forehead scrunching up as guilt washes over his face. You laughed silently, shaking your head.
"I accept your apology." You answered quietly. Both the man and you, picked up the remains of the once blooming Carnations soundlessly. The thick silence filled the air, the only noise being the hustling feet of the people passing by. "Im still sorry for the flowers and you falling over." He started off again. "I didn't mean-"

"It's okay." You stated, putting emphasis on 'okay'. You grabbed a plastic bag that was conveniently lying around and placed the remains of the flowers inside as the man did the same. "Thanks to you, i just lost my Carnations and bit of my Lilies."

You watched his face instantly change to horror. His eyes were as wide as saucers. You could tell he was speechless. "Look... I'm sorry. I'll pay for them, i promise." The man sighed exasperatedly, running his hands through his long, brown locks. You chuckled brightly, a smile appearing on your face. "You don't have to. I've got some orders coming in soon, and it'll probably substitute them. So it's okay." You said, reassuring him. His eyebrows knitted together as he crossed his arms in front of his chest, his face looking thoughtful.

"Alright... I don't have much money on me now, so i'll pay you back tomorrow." The man started, digging his hands into his pockets. "Wait, you don't have-"

"I really need to go. Catch ya later." He scurried away quickly, his form completely disappearing in the distance. "But... You really.... didn't have to." You said quietly to yourself.

With a sigh, you went back inside to resume your daily routine. Tending the plants and flowers down the back, looking after the cash register and aiding the customers with their needs. Honestly, it sounded boring and mundane, but to you, it was life. You enjoyed it thoroughly. The sweet nectar-like fragrances and the rich, vibrant colours of the flowers made you feel like you were in heaven. 

The rest of the day felt like a blur. The only thing on your mind apart from flowers was the mysterious man that bumped into you. Your mind couldn't stop thinking about him. You didn't know why and you didn't want an explanation. But then again, your mind would casually wander off to the perplexing and obscure blue eyes that belonged to a certain man. You shook your head and carefully placed your head on the desk, hopefully forgetting about him. You closed your eyes tightly and reminded yourself that the man would never come to see you again. With a tired sigh, you continued with your task, secretly hoping that the man would come to see you tomorrow like he promised. 

On the next day, you came to the store earlier than usual. Luckily, the weather outside isn't as cold as it was yesterday, so the pavements weren't icy and slippery. In the distance, you could see the sun shining brightly as the clouds bundled together in the sky. The soft pastel blue and pinks mended the sky together, weaving a path for the light to go through. As the sun awoke from it's resting place, the city started to become alive. The cars come and go as usual. The stores and restaurants opened up for another hard days at work. People scattered everywhere as they walked, ran and jogged to their destination. You smiled gently to yourself, knowing that this was what the city truly was like.

At the store, you continued your daily morning routine. Setting up and cleaning up the aisles, to readjusting the public displays. It was a whole lot but again it was worth it. As the hours go by, more and more people began to enter the store, almost to the point where it was crowded. Honestly it was the first time you had seen so many people at your store before, then again, Valentine's day is only a few days away. So it made sense that people are shopping for last minute gifts.

At the back of your head, you always had the urge to look out at the door, hoping that the man would come in. You pursed your lips and reminded yourself that he would never come.

The door bell chimed, indicating that customer had come in. You didn't lift up your head as you were focusing on counting the orders set to arrive tomorrow. Your mind was converged into what you were doing that you realise that someone was waiting.

"Oh! I'm so sorr-" You said, your body jolting when you saw, who was waiting. The man stood tall, his eyes glinting with a hint of a smile. You swallowed and pursed your lips, feeling the situation become uncomfortable.

"May i help you?" You finally spoke, gathering enough courage. He dug his hands into his pockets, reaching out for an old, torn wallet. The man offered his hand, outstretched with money. You widened your eyes and shook your head profusely.

"No, it's okay. You really don't have to. The orders are coming tomorrow." You explained, your eyebrows knitted together.

"Are you sure?" He asked, both his eyebrows raised. You nodded quickly as he sets back his money into his wallet. The man gives you small, genuine smile as he again offers an outstretched hand, this time as a welcoming gesture.

"The name's Bucky, by the way." You stared awkwardly at his hand before you gingerly took it. The both of you shook each other's hand firmly, a smile evident on both faces. "My name's Y/N. Nice to meet you."

"Nice store. It's the first time i've been in it." Bucky mused, his eyes roaming around the store as he  intakes the vibrant flowers and the exquisite decor. "Yeah... I've had it for about 2 years. It's really beautiful." You reflected, turning your head to face Bucky. He looked thoughtful, his eyes looking like he was trying remember something.

"So you're an expert in flowers?" He asked, an eyebrow raised. You laughed wholeheartedly, causing him to crack a chuckle or two. "Yeah.. You can say that. I am a florist, if you didn't know."

"Wow.. Don't you learn new things everyday, huh?" Bucky smirked, a sly glint in his eyes. "Say, there's this person i just met... They're really beautiful. Got really nice eyes. What flower should i get for them?" 

Deep down, you could feel your heart sink. The feeling of dread overflowed your body. You felt like an anchor sinking towards the bottom of the sea as you desperately try to claw your way out. Although you felt like this internally, you still kept a radiant smile.

"The most popular is probably the rose. Preferably the Hybrid Tea roses. They're really popular with my current clients, especially since it's incredibly close to Valentine's day." You clarified, clutching the end of your shirt.

"Why's that?" He asked curiously.

"Hybrid Teas produce the prettiest and most radiant blooms. I personally love it's fragrance and plant vigor. Just the way it stands tall and upright and how the blooms develop singly on the long stems. Sometimes the buds are often as elegant as the open petals. It's just amazing." You rambled on, blushing at the fact that you spoke a little too fast. Bucky noticed, and gave you a reassuring smile.

"When do they normally bloom?"

"Umm... They're dormant during early spring but in a sunny location with well-drained, fertile soil and some rose food, it'll probably grow three times a season. It's best to put in some heavy mulching around the base of the plant to insure that it's healthy." You explained, carefully choosing your words so he could understand.

"Wow. You really are an expert." Bucky said cheerfully. You chuckled and shook your head in response. "No, not really. I'm just really passionate about flowers and i grew around them. It makes sense that i know these things."

"Those flowers that were destroyed yesterday?"

"They're called Carnations. Well, those ones were called Large Pink Carnations. They're pretty popular as the Pink symbolises true love, so couples prefer to get those flowers instead of the roses." You said, walking away to grab your clipboard with the order sheets attached to it.

"That's interesting..." Bucky looked at his watch on his wrist. "I guess it's time for me to go. See ya later and nice to me you, Y/N." He gave you a little wave before exiting the door, the bell chiming as he went.

You sighed and pursed your lips. Deep inside you wanted to know why he seemed interested in flowers but like he said before, it was probably for his love interest. You didn't deny that you had some sort of attraction to him but you kept telling yourself, he would never notice you in that light. Matter of fact, you just met the guy.

You covered your face with your hands, trying to rid Bucky off your mind. Everything didn't seem to work out and your mind kept wandering back to the mysterious tall man. You shook your head and tried to find something else to occupy your mind on. Though this time, you really didn't want to see Bucky again.

The next day, you arrived at your store, weary and a little annoyed. You hadn't had any coffee and your hair was a mess. You rubbed your eyes with your hands, trying to wake yourself up.

Just like any other day, it became a blur. There were more people than ever, seeming that Valentine's day was just tomorrow. Roses were extremely popular as well as the Lilies, which were a new thing. But other than that, you were earning much more revenue than you were before. As you went to check on the flowers at the front display, you hadn't realised that it began to rain. The cold, brisk air surrounded the area as people walked to and fro with heavily clad clothing.

You groaned internally, quickly heading back inside towards your warm and cozy store. You rubbed your hands together, hoping to warm them up in time before you could do anything else.

"Morning, Y/N."

You quickly turned around, your eyes wide open. "When did you get here?"

Bucky chuckled quietly, offering you a cup of coffee. You looked at it reluctantly, knowing that you needed it and knowing that he had spent money on you. "Go ahead Y/N. Take it, it's yours." You stared at his outstretched hand, a cup of warm, delectable coffee in his hand.

"Why?" You asked, hesitantly.

"Consider it a thanks, for helping me with the perfect Valentine's gift." Bucky smiled heartily, you felt a sense of gratitude succumb you as you took the coffee from his hand.

"Thank you, Bucky. That's really thoughtful of you." You smiled genuinely. You could feel the warmth of the cup radiate beneath your palms. The heat rising revealing the bitter aroma that you loved so much. You sighed in content, Bucky watching you carefully with a look you couldn't describe. You finally took a sip of the delightful coffee, the warmth and bitterness seeping into your throat. You felt the hot liquid go down your throat and the acrid after taste that was left.

"Hmmm... This is so good." You mused, closing your eyes and reliving the delectable moment.

"You like it?"

"Very much. So, what brings you here? Unleash you actually wanted to bring me coffee?.." You looked up from your coffee, Bucky staring at you intently.

"Not really. I kinda wanted to know more about flowers. You know for the person i like..." Bucky explained, his voice drifting off near the end. You chuckled and nodded at him. "So, what do you wanna know?"

"Are there anymore types of flowers that i need to know about? The ones that are good for Valentine's day?" He asked, his eyes filled with curiosity. Your heart swelled at the fact that, it was the first time you had met someone with such an interest in flowers.

"Hmm... Let's see.. The red and pink Tulips are alright. They represent fresh beginnings. Gerber Daisies are nice also. You can get a whole bunch of them and they can all say different things." You explained, turning to face Bucky in the process. He nodded each time you said a word, listening intently.

"The most unusual ones are probably the Sunflowers. Hardly anyone gets them but they symbolise the Sun itself. An entire bouquet conveys warmth, happiness, adoration, and ever-lasting love. I think that's pretty neat." You smiled earnestly.

"Say... If you were supposedly given a flower for Valentine's day... What would you want? I'm only asking your preference... cause i really can't choose." Bucky asked, his voice growing quieter at the end.

"Personally, my favourite flowers are the Mister Lincoln Roses. I don't sell them in the shop and i don't know who else does, but they're my favourite. I just love the rich and vibrant red it has..... It's extravagant." You mooned, your eyes twinkling in passion.

"Don't you have a Valentine's date? If you don't mind me asking.." You shook your head in response, playing with the end of your shirt.

"I prefer to watch couples be happy than to be happy myself. I like watching their small loving interactions and being a florist fulfils that dream. When people buy flowers, i see a hint of hope in their eyes and i guess that's why i don't really have a Valentine." You clarified, a small smile evident on your face.

"I understand... Well, thanks for the advice. I best be going off now.... Bye, Y/N." Bucky waved as he left via the front door, his hands dug in deeply into his pockets.

He left before you could finish uttering a single word. You sighed and went back to work. As usual, the day went by like a blur, the only time it was clear was when you were with Bucky.

When Valentine's finally came, you got up bright and early to get the store ready. The Valentine's decor was adorned, ribbons of pink and red were hung at all sorts of places. It was truly a sight to behold. Not only that, but business had been booming ever since the shop had been open. You had never seen this much revenue come in one, single day.

Couples came in, their hands intertwined with one another as their eyes twinkled with love. Deep inside you craved for something like it, but you never admitted it to yourself. The roses and orchards were a sellout. You made a mental reminder to order some more roses for the week ahead. You strolled around, checking if everything was in place, you couldn't help but spot the heavy traffic through the window. As you were too kept up in your thoughts, you hadn't realised that Bucky had been standing right behind you. You turned around to face him, not knowing that he was hiding something behind his back.

"Hey, Y/N... How's your day been?" Bucky asked, his eyes twinkling with something you couldn't recognise.

"I'm doing fine. You?"

"Im good, thanks. So.... I did some research on Mister Lincoln roses. You can find them in the central part of town apparently...." He started, his eyes flickering away from yours. "Did you know that the Mister Lincoln roses are more resistant than most of its kind?"

"Oh.. I guess i've taught you well, young padawan." You joked, earning a laugh from Bucky.

He lifted his left arm, revealing a single, red rose. Instantly, you recognised what breed it was. A Mister Lincoln Rose. It was probably the first time you has seen one with your own eyes and you can feel your heart swell in exhilaration. The velvety, richly perfumed flower had an intoxicating fragrance. It's deep, vibrant red bursted with colour as the light hits the petals of the rose. It was by far, one of the most beautiful things you have ever seen.

"Will you be my Valentine?"

You gingerly stepped forward and took the rose, inspecting it from all angles. As you finally looked up, you saw the anticipation in Bucky's eyes.

"Of course." You smiled sincerely, the exquisite red rose in your hands.

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