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Misunderstanding (Bucky x Reader)

A/N: Oh well... I have not been active for a while now.. I'm sorry about that. Google Translate is literally gonna be my best friend so if i get the translation wrong, then i deeply apologise. This is probably the longest fic i wrote so far but anyways enjoy!

Summary: "Can i request a bucky x reader where everytime he sees her or she walks pass him he mumbles a flirty comment in russian/english + laughs thinking she doesn't understand, turns out she is multilingual and replies back in russian leaving him flustered"

Warnings: Fluff, Hints of Autopsy and medical procedures. Mentions of blood. Game of Throne spoilers maybe?? Some course language. But like a lil bit.

Word Count: 5273


Your eyes were trained on the flask you were holding, pouring liquid into the beaker. You frowned noticing that there wasn't a reaction. The notes you had prepared earlier seemed to be useless as you took a second glance at it. You dug your hands into the pockets of your lab coat, pacing around back and forth the room hoping that a solution would spark up.

With a frustrated sigh, you sat back on the chair, instinctively grabbing a pen and clicking it profusely.

"Think Y/N think.." You muttered quietly to yourself, your hands grasping together on your lap.

A deathly silence filled the room, the only sound being the aggressive ticking of the clock on the wall. The room was disheveled, papers were scattered everywhere on your desk as well as beakers and flasks filled with dangerous chemicals.

With a deep breath, you took out a blank paper and wrote down another possible theory. You stopped mid sentence, finally realising what you needed to make the experiment work.

"A catalyst... Why didn't i think about it before?" You hurried towards the storeroom collecting some vanadium and platinum.

With the catalysts in hand, you carefully placed one into the beaker and quickly stepped back, grabbing your notebook in the process. You pursed your lips, your eyes focusing intensely on the beaker. Footsteps could be heard approaching you, but you chose to ignore it as the only thing you were focusing on was the beaker.

"Y/N! There you are! I was thinking that we sh-" The door opened with a click as a voice spoke aloud. "Wow...You really need to calm down." With a frustrated sigh, you turned around facing the self-proclaimed greatest man on earth.

"What do you want, Tony?" You asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Nothing... Actually, i need you." He smirked, reaching into his pocket and took out a bag of M&Ms. "M&Ms?" His armed outstretched, offering you a bag of sweets.

You shook your head and turned around to fix up your notes on the experiment. "What do you even need me for? I swear if this is some stupid declaration of you being the 'most smartest person in the world' then you should just leave."

"Well, i am about to now since you just reminded me of it..." Tony pondered, throwing a few M&Ms into his mouth.

"Oh please... The doors already open so you could leave but i don't think you can fit in, since your ego's too big."

"Ouch... That kinda hurts. Guess i'll have to cry in my room tonight." He said sarcastically faking a hurt expression.

"Here to get something? Or here to annoy me? If it's the latter than try again next time. By next time, i mean never."

Bucky x Reader Where stories live. Discover now