A Best Friend For Ever,Forever...(a short scary English essay)

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Caution!!! Shit scary stuff here not for faint hearted people :| you have been warned...lol but seriously my essay is scary soooo enough stalling read on...:D and please comment this is for my English assignment so I need all the help I can get

Here it is

A best friend for Ever? ( the original topic is the incident that changed my life for ever)

Hi my name is Ever and my best friend is Honey. Honey and I have been best friends since we little. She might not remember though but I do,I remember everything .Like how Honey should take care of me after my daddy hit me,how we should sit and talk for hours on but now There's a little problem ,Honeys got a new best friend

but what about me? what about a best friend for Ever?

I came back for honey ,she's the only thing I have left now that mommy and daddy are gone .I miss them but its their fault;they just made me so mad ,why did they have to fight? ,why? But its to late. Anyway I've got Honey and she's my best friend only mine

I'm standing outside Honeys house staring at her room window, watching the dancing silhouettes and listening to the laughing and the music .Who are they and where is honey?. I pick up a small stone ; throw it at the window and wait

The window opens and there Honey standing there .she's so beautiful, my best friend and finally she spots me .I wait for a smile of recognition to appear on her face but instead a frown takes its place and Honey closes the window. I wait for Honey to come outside but she never comes .

Honey must be joking, she would never make me mad on purpose, She knows that I'm not very nice when I'm mad. Then why? Why honey?

I'm following honey home again, trailing silently behind her like a shadow .I have been trying to get Honey to notice me so now we have the same haircut and the same clothes but she still hasn't noticed me. if it was anyone else I would think that they are avoiding me but Honey would never do that,

not to me, not to her best friend;her true best friend ,not that horrible Jenny. She's just trying to tear me and honey apart but she will never be able do it not if I have anything to do with it

Honey goes into her house and I go to Jenny's house. Today I'm going to show her Honey's my best friend only mine and why you should never make me mad because you'll end up just like mommy and daddy.

I reach Jenny's house and go inside through the back door , she shouldn't have left it open because you'll never know who might decide to visit .To bad she won't have enough time to regret it

I see Jenny washing dishes and I stalk towards her like a predator towards its prey. I raise my shiny black pistol and say "you shouldn't have made me mad Jenny". She whirls around to meet the barrel and I pull the trigger.

Oh! How I wish she never made me mad ,its all her fault. I watch as she continues to choke on her own blood .

I lean in and listen to her last words"why Honey ,why did you do this?"

She called me Honey. I'm not Honey, I'm Ever? right? Am i? with that I fade into darkness...

When I awaken again ,I'm in a white padded room wearing a straight jacket. I'm surrounded by white ,Just like the day of the accident. It was a snow storm and I was driving ,my best friend Ever was in the passenger seat.

All of a sudden ,the car swerved of the road. Ever died that day and I survived. It was an incident that change my life forever...

So what do u think?

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