**Train ride home for break**
"Hello, gorgeous."
"Hey there, handsome."
"So. My mum wants to know if you wanted to come over for Christmas night, through New Years? And she said she'll bring you to the Platform for start of term."
His face grew into an excited smile.
"I would love to!" Alithia nearly shouted, throwing her arms around him.
"Wicked. I'll write you with the address."
**Christmas Day**
Alithia already packed her trunk. Her clothes laying out on the chair in the corner. She look at the clock.
Six AM.
She jumps out of bed, and runs to the bathroom, taking a quick fifteen minute shower.
She dries and curls her hair by magic.
The Ministry will never know. So many people live in this house. And it's not like I do it all the time anyways. Just today, so that it looks perfect. Alithia thinks with a smile upon her face as she makes her way back into her bedroom.
She gets dressed into a "Mrs. Clause" style half sleeve dress with a black belt. Then pulls on white thigh high stockings, with a red bow and a small, silver bell at the top and a gorgeous pair of red strappy pumps. She then slips on white, lace gloves and puts in a pair of jingle bell and mistletoe post earrings.
Once she is dressed for the day, she makes her way into the kitchen. Mum is setting Christmas breakfast on the table. Since Alithia is the first to arrive, she helps her mother.
The family eats breakfast quickly. Even Ron didn't have his full, normal amount of helpings. All kids ran into the living room, sitting around the tree.
"On minute kids." They waited anxiously.
A POP! sounded from outside. The kitchen door opened. Footsteps rang out in the deathly quiet.
"Happy," Bill said as he entered the living room.
"Christmas!" Charlie finished as he came from behind Bill.
"Billy! Charlie!" All the kids shouted. Alithia was the first to reach her big brothers as she engulfed them each into a hug.
Once the hello's were out of the way, we all sat down. Dad began passing around presents.
Dad recieved alot of muggle items. Mum, cooking or knitting things. Bill, notebooks, quills and a book. Charlie, dragon figurines and notebooks. Percy, quills and textbooks. Fred and George, pranking things. Ron and Ginny, sweets.
As for Alithia, Bill got her a novel; Charlie, a book on dragons and other magical creatures; Percy, quills and a notebook; Fred, George, and Ron sweets; and Ginny got her a silver heart necklace, which she immediately clasped around her neck.
Each child also recieved a Weasley hand-knitted jumper. Alithia's had a black cat on it.
"You look absolutely beautiful by the way." Oliver whispered into her ear when he came to pick her up.
"Why thank you. Care for lunch? Mum made fish and chips."
"Absolutely. I wouldn't miss it."
"Mrs. Weasley, lunch was amazing. Thank you so much for having me."
"Oh, not at all! It was great having you!"
The two left through the floo network, coming out into a very large, spotless drawing room.
"Oliver! In the kitchen!"
"Yes, Master Oliver?" A small house elf popped up and asked.
"Could you take Alithia's things into the guest bedroom for her."
"Yes, Master Oliver."
"Thank you, Margaret."
"Yes, thank you." Alithia said. Margaret gave a bow, then disappeared.
Oliver then grabbed Alithia's hand, and led her into the kitchen.
"Hello, mum. This is Alithia."
"Oh! Dear, it is so good to have you! Oliver has told us all about you."
"You have, have you?" She turned to Oliver with her eyebrows raised.
"Well, umm... yea... I was excited."
"Don't let him lie. He told us all about you year one."
"Oh. Year one? You've been talking about me that long, have you?"
"Yeah.. So mum, what's for dinner?"
"Nice change of subject, Ollie. But I won't forget this, not anytime soon."
After dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Wood, Oliver, and Alithia exchanged gifts to one another.
Alithia got Mrs. Wood a beautiful scarf, Mr. Wood a nice watch, and Oliver a Quidditch set signed by Puddlemere United.
On top of the delicious dinner and allowing Alithia to stay until school starts back up, Mr. and Mrs. Wood got her a beautiful cocktail dress, with matching shoes and accessories. They told her they are having an impromptu New Years Eve party, and that the outfit they got would be perfect for it.
After all of that was over, Oliver took Alithia's hand once more and apparated us away.
"Open your eyes." Oliver whispered into her ear.
She blinks a few times to adjust her eyes to the magnificently bright lights. The first thing she can focus on, is the Eiffle Tower.
It is lit up so beautifully, in correspondence with the surrounding area.
Oliver leads her to a cruise ship, he says that the ship is going to ride around for three hours. They will be able to see all of the lights that this area of Paris has to offer.
They settle down in the back of the ship. Oliver holds Alithia close as they watch all of the beautiful light displays pass by.
Merely had to change back to third person point of view. Got carried away while writing initially.
Fan. Vote. Comment.

Cat And Mouse - Familia Primum: Book Five
FanfictionPercy Weasley's twin sister. Now that is a shadow she wishes she was not in. In love with Quidditch and doesn't care much about classes. ************ I do not own anything Harry Potter, it all belongs to the Queen herself, JK Rowling. I only own th...