Story of my life...with friends

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I guess I can start in first grade. I never really was one to "hang with the guys," I like to hang with girls. Its not because im gay its just that im not interested in sports and things and girls are just more friendly. I still have guy friends and i would have to say im fairly popular. There isn't anyone in my school that is "to cool tang hang with me." So anyway back to first grade. I really just loved to have fun. This is really where the hang with girls thing started. But remember at this point in my life girls still had cooties, so don't get any ideas. So Karen and I were playing on the playground as usual when we got in an argument. We ended up sticking our tongues out at each other...and thats where things went bad. We eventually were sticking our tongues out so far and leaning foreword so much that our tongues touched. Being a first grader our natural response was "EEEWWWWWW COOOTTTIIIIEEEEEEESSS." Ya real mature, but hey, its first grade people. Honestly other than that i don't remember much else of first grade.


*authors note*

This is gonna have a lot of grammatical errors but its just a test chapter.

-side note this is dedicated to @royalpain013 because she forced me to write this.

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