The support team.

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Support team:So Emilytell me, how do you feel?
Emily:You know what my problem is?
Well I'm talking to a weird support team through my phone!
S.T.:Emily you need to help yourself.
E:Don't you think I've tried? I can't. I'm helpless.I'm calling this fucking line every single day because I need help. I can't help my self.
S.T.:Why Emily? We are talking every day. You've never told me your story, your problem. Now is the time. Tell me.
E:Okay. My name is Emily. I'm a 16 years old girl that never smiled at her whole life. I've been smoking since I was 11 years old. I'm taking drugs all the time. I don't even know why. My parents hate me.They do. They remind me of it all the time. I'm a kid that I like cutting my hands for everything. I break down so easily. I can't keep living like this. It hurts.
I can't die though. I'm not afraid of death but I'm afraid of loosing everything. I have never been loved. Never. I killed my own best friend. I actually have no other friends. He was my only one. I killed him. I did. Even if it sounds crazy ,I can't change the fact that I did.
?:I wish I could kill my best friend too but I can't.
E:Who is this?
?: Does it really matter? You just told me your problem.
E:Stop it. Who the hell are you?
?:Well I'm a guy that was waiting on the line for the support team but something went wrong so I ended up listening your problem.
E: Oh my god. Seriously you freak me out. Tell me who you are.
?:I'm a guy whose parents think that he needs help so they force him to talk to the support team even if it doesn't help him.
E:You should tell me your problem too. It's not fair.
?:Okay Emily. I'm taking drugs since I was 10 whitch means that I've been taking them for 7 years. Let's not talk about the smoking. Well I like hurting people. It's true. There is a guy at ny school that I've hurted so much that he went to the hospital and stayed there for days. I don't know what's wrong with me but I know one thing that noone else from my family knows. Well probably that's why they force me to talk to the support team even if it doesn't help me at all. I have to admit that It was better talking to you instead the stupid guy on the line.
E:So your name is?
S.T:Emily I'm so sorry for that. A mistake happend and we connected two lines together that we shouldn't have.
E:No. No no no no. I wanna talk to him. He helped me. Please let me talk to him. PLEAZE.
S.T.:Emily who are you talking about?
E:The guy you connected me by mistake.Pleaze connect our lines again.
S.T.:Sorry Emily but that's impossible. Our patients can't know each other.
S.T.:Emily we can't.
So I closed the phone. No way. I have to talk to this guy immidiately. I don't even know his name.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2016 ⏰

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