Don't Leave Me (Block B fanfic)

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Mina's P.O.V.~ 2011

I've never been an outdoorsy person. If it were up to me, I'd stay in, watching movies with Kai, but sadly I can't.

All because my brother left his phone at home.

Sounds totally irrelevant right? Yeah, that's what I thought too.

Sitting upside down on the couch with the remote on my stomach and Kai laughing next to me, that's how my story started out. He was telling me stories about his roommate, Kyungsoo, when my Umma came.

"Mina, what are you still doing here? Get outside! Stop being a hermit."

"But ummaaaaaaaaaaaaa," I whined as I rolled closer to Kai, hiding my face like a little kid. "It's hot outside."

She scoffed. "So? Get some fresh air!" I could feel Kai's silent laughs as she hit me with the couch cushion. "Oh and when you do go outside -which you will- make sure you give Min his phone." I heard a tiny thud noise before peeking to see if she left. Umma scares me sometimes..

"Coast is clear babo," Kai smirked, ruffling my hair.

I shut my eyes and rolled off the couch, face planting into the fuzzy blue carpet. "I don't wanna go outside."

Kai chuckled at my childness and threw me over his shoulder. "I know you don't but she looked kinda vicious, so we better get going."

"Yah! I can walk you know!"

He smiled. "I know but that doesn't mean you're gonna." Kai knew me like the back of his hand and he knew my laziness well. He placed Min's phone into his pocket before heading out the door with me on his back. Walking outside seemed like the worse thing in the world at that moment. The sun hit me like a semi just ran me over. I let out a groan and snuggled my face into Kai's neck to hide from the dreaded sunlight. He stiffened, "Mina that tickles.."

I did it again and he dropped me. Ouch... "Aish, I was only messing with you meanie." I stuck my tongue out and ran to the shady area ahead. He smirked at me. That bastard freaking smirked at me. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and kissed my temple.

"Mianhe jagiya." Kai winked playfully and walked ahead. I can never stay mad at him. Now, before you start jumping to conclusions, it's not like that. We aren't together (in the dating sense). Kai and I have been friends since we were little (our dad's were friends) and we're closer than most. He's my only friend, well, him and Mikki, but because of her father and my step-fathers work, we ended up leaving the country together. She's still gone but I came back with Min a month ago and since then, Kai's been by my side. Mikki's flight will be here in a few days..

"Hurry up slow poke!" Kai laughed, interrupting my train of thought. I pouted but ran by his side. He smiled at me and linked his arm with mine as we walked to the park. We figured that would be the best place to look for Min since he's always active. When we turned the corner, I heard someone shout my name repeatedly.


I didn't even get to process those two words before I was hit. I'm not gonna lie, it hurt like a bitch. I stumbled backwards and my head hit the side walk pavement...

This is why I don't go outside.

"Ahhhh! Noona, I said look out! Freaking babo!" Min shouted as he walked next to my limp body. I heard shuffling of feet and realized there was other people around as well.

"Min stop shouting at her!" Two voices said in unison.

"She could have a concussion." One of the voices said, it sounded a bit like my cousin..

"I'm sorry," Min said softly as he poked my face. "Noona are you dead? Wake up!"

"Shut up." I muttered, placing the palm of my hand to my forehead. I shut my eyes tight before squinting to open them. I couldn't tell if I was seeing double or triple, but before me was nine boys with worried expressions.

"Gwenchana?" A boy with what looked like dread locks asked. My head was spinning.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Yukwon, my cousin, and Kai helped me to my feet. So it was him that I heard earlier..

"Noona, you're such a klutz." Min laughed. I punched his arm and stuck out my tongue.

"I'm not a klutz, you just need to know how to aim."

Someone coughed and awkwardly broke us up before we started fighting. "Sorry about that," the mystery boy rubbed the nape of his neck. "The bad aim was my fault."

I smiled slightly before punching Min again. "Oh it's fine, I don't blame you." I said sweetly before giving Min my best death glare.

Yukwon chuckled. "Even injured you're still ruthless." Kai laughed along with him while the others looked a bit confused.

My hand shot to my face. I completely forgot about that! "Is it bad looking??"

The boys exchanged glances before someone spoke up. It was the boy who hit me with the soccer ball. "Nah, you still look pretty to me."

Yukwon, Kai, and Min shot him a look.

"I'm Jaehyo by the way." He smiled.

Kwonnie's face was struck by sudden realization. "Oh I forgot to introduce you!"

I raised a brow and made a gesture to my face. "Yeah that ball incident kinda ruined the moment."

They laughed.

"Remember the group I was put into? These are the other members." Kwonnie gestured to the six other guys. Next to Jaehyo was the boy with dreads.

"I'm Zico, or Jiho if you'd prefer."

"I'm Kyung." The boy with black swift hair and glasses smirked.

"Minhyuk." The quiet red head smiled.

"I'm PO, or Jihoon. I'm the maknae." He winked. Even though he was the youngest, he had the deepest voice..

"And I'm Taeil." The boy with the beanie and glasses smiled. My eyes widened.

"I love your piercings!" Taeil blushed slightly at my sudden outburst. They were all looking at me.

"Oh! I'm Mina. Min's older sister-"

"By three minutes!!" Min interjected. "And obviously I'm the cooler one."

"I'm the smarter one.." I muttered.

"I'm the prettier one!"

Kwonnie and Kai held me back before I could mess up Min's "pretty" face. Min smirked and hid behind Kyung.

"Hiding doesn't work for you. You're a fucking giant." Zico laughed. The corner of my mouth tilted up into a slight smile. Even if Min was my Twin, he was 190 cm (6'2") and I was only 160 cm (5'2"). I can still take him down.

I exhaled and stood my ground. I can kill him later.

"So why don't we go get you some ice for that pretty face of yours?" Jaehyo winked. I felt a small blush creeping on my cheeks, Jaehyo was cute. Really cute. We all started walking off when I heard Min scoff.

"I'm the pretty one."

I'm gonna kill him. I sighed and locked my arm back around Kai's. Maybe going outside today was a good thing?


Eh, probably not.

[A/N: Hello :) This is my first story on my new account. :D Sorry if it's really bad now >_< Thanks for reading!

----> Mina and Min to the side ;D


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