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3 YEARS AGO......

*Michael's P.O.V*


I collapsed onto my new bed, in my new room of my new house. I would say ‘home’ but nothing ever felt like a home anymore, this was the third new house we were living in, in as many months. Tomorrow was my first day at yet another new school; I had been expelled from four schools in six months for ‘unacceptable conduct’, who knew that you shouldn’t fill a teacher’s car with water... That little fiasco also led to me spending the night in the police cells while Mr Yates decided if he was going to press charges or not.

In the last three months we had lived in a cheerful neighbourhood in a little bungalow next door to an old woman who constantly screeched at her cats; in an apartment block, the floor above was clearly inhabited by a family of elephants who constantly fought about absolutely anything. This latest house was a three-storey end townhouse, it was the nicest one of all three but I didn’t want to get too attached because we won’t be here long.

My mother died five months ago, she was killed in a car accident. Some low-life drunk had crashed into her while she was on the way home from a late night at the office. I saw the sour faced man in court, his eyes showed no regret, he constantly scowled. He even had the nerve to deny all charges! The judge found him guilty of death by dangerous driving, he would be out of prison in 14 years- 10 years if he behaved. If it was up to me he would be in a wooden box six feet under.

My father never lost his cool or let me see how the loss of my mother was effecting him; he didn’t know that I could see the pain in his eyes, he didn’t know that I could hear him sobbing at night.

I was completely different, I let my anger out on other people and their belongings. I got caught up in a fist fight in an alley one Monday night, I honestly thought that the guys who crossed the wrong side of me was dead. He was ghostly white and blood was forming a puddle on the floor, I didn’t know what to do, do I run? Do I stay? I was beginning to feel paranoid, I could imagine my mother’s disgust at what I had just done, the constant sound of sirens speeding past. What would I say if one of them came down the alley? Could I hide?

I heard the sound of many footsteps echoing down the alley. My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. This was it. I was going to go to the cells and I wasn’t going to see the light of day for a long time.

These people finally came into view, at the front there was a tall, skinny man that radiated authority. He was wearing an all-black suit and shirt with a thin black tie. He said one thing to me and one thing only, "Join us," he said, it sounded like a command. They all turned and walked away, I left the body of the man next to the wall and followed them. I had no idea where we were going.

We arrived in an old loft apartment and the man sat on a black sofa, he motioned for me to sit opposite him on a single wooden chair. "The man you mutilated will survive. My men will take him to a private hospital for treatment, the police will not be involved." I opened my mouth the question him but he raised one finger and I was instantly silent. "My name is Darius. I am a demon. Yes, one of those things that bring unprecedented suffering to those all around. As a thank you for saving the man you attacked, you will sign over the one thing that you have left. Your soul. Whenever I require you, you shall receive a message by a burner phone- this is a phone that you will destroy once you have knowledge about your location and purpose. If you fail to complete any of you instructions then I will end you. Understand?" I had no voice to reply with so I nodded.

That was the day that I destroyed my own life. My own future.

The tasks I was set included fighting for ‘justice’ as Darius called it, that’s all I was ever told, the people I would be hurting were ‘bad’ people. I never knew what they had done. There was one night I returned to the loft and Darius congratulated me, I had killed a man he had wanted dead for a number of months. I had never killed anyone before, I felt guilty for my actions but I had no choice in the matter. If my life was to end then it would be on my terms and no one else’s.

We had spent the entire day carrying boxes into various rooms; my father was deciding what colours to paint the miserable looking walls in this miserable shell of a house; I had spent the last three hours attempting to build my bed, IKEA clearly didn’t understand that nobody needed 300 wooden screws to hold some wooden posts into a wooden frame, half of the screws were sat in the empty box near the door.

I could feel myself drifting off to sleep when I heard the world’s worst music intruding my ears. I sat up and looked straight ahead out of the bedroom window. There was a girl- she looked the same age as me and she was dancing around her bedroom to the Jonas Brothers. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud at her lack of ability to dance, she was waving her arms like she was trying to get someone’s attention and kicking her legs at every possible opportunity. I watched as she kicked her foot up against her dresser and I heard her curse in pain while clutching her foot as if it was going to fall off.

It was then when she saw me, fury instantly appeared on her elfin features. She forgot about her injured foot and stormed towards the window, she flung it open and started screaming at me. All of these profanities became a blur, I could pick the odd phrase and sentence out but that was it.

After a few minutes of her shouting at me I finally stood up and opened my window, another wave of sound hit me like a wall. She was so loud.

"Pervert!" she screamed and then her previously raised arms dropped to her sides and she began the breath heavily- she looked as if she had just been out for a run. It was only then that I actually understood why she had called me a pervert; she was wearing a bright green t-shirt which depicted a penguin being decapitated- she appeared to have a sense of humour; a pair of red and pink frilly girl boxers and an odd pair of knee high soccer socks. Her wild mane of brown hair was tangled around her face, the shoulders of her top were as shade darker than the rest so I was guessing that she had recently washed her hair. On the bridge of her nose rested a pair of black Ray Ban Wayfarer glasses, behind those was a pair of dazzling pair of stormy blue eyes. She was honestly beautiful.

And she already hated me. Great.


A/N- Hey ya'l! Just letting you know that i'll be updating every sunday! exciiiteddddd!! Hope you enjoooy!

Awesome Sauce xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2013 ⏰

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