Ch. 16

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Jake and Mike left for the cabin at 4 in the afternoon and got their be night fall because Jake wanted to stop at the amusement park and wanted something to eat do when they arrived they went straight to sleep. The next morning Jake made them some breakfast they easy then headed out to the beach and played in the water. Jake buried Mike in the sand and they both build sand castles like kids. That night the ordered pizza for dinner and Jake told Mike how he always wanted a cat. That night they fall asleep naked.

The next morning Mike made them breakfast. Then they watched tv for a while. Jake cane up till how they go tutti the beach in their wolf form so they did the hot sand went in between their paws and it feeled good Then they went swimming and wolf form. They ran around and Mike ended up humping Jake. Jake just enjoyed it. That night they had Mc.Donald's but on their way their they saw a forest.

On the 3rd day they left for the forest and walked around for like 2 hours. Then they changed and went hunting they caught a deer and eat it. They ran in to avstream of water and took a drink. They later by the steam and fell to sleep and woke up in the afternoon. They ran to their car and transformed and drove home. Jake cooked then dinner and they eat and feel to sleep.

They next morning their was a knock on the door Jake answered it ash nd what he saw surprised him out was a neko (human with cat features) he wanted one pig them more Then he wanted a cat because they can talk. It was badly damaged so he took it in and feed and cared for its scares. Then Mike cane down and saw the neko and walked in the kitchen. He asked "Jake who are is this" Jake replied "this is a neko and I found him injured so I took him in"then Mike turned to the neko and asked "what is your name". He stuttered out Chase. Mike asked Chase "how did you get here" Chase replied "it was these big wolves chasing me and the attacked me so I came to knock in your door and Jake was kind enough to let me in o May ask for your name" my name is Michael but you can call me Mike". Jake and Mike talked to Chase for a while. Then they went out to play on the beach. Then they came in for dinner. They had chinese food. After dinner they asked Chase can they keep him he said yes so now the boys got a neko. They gave him one of the spare rooms.

On one of the days they all made breakfast and dinner. The rest of the trip went by ok they played around and talked. They went to the beach, and to the forests they even brought Chase with them. They went to the amusement park and went sight setting. On one of the days Jake and Mike went to buy Chase some clothes he was so happy he kissed both of them. Jake and Mike had sex 15 times in human for on the bed, 12 times in the shower, and 6 times in wolf form. They made out more then 100 times. Jake gave Mike 10 blow jobs and Mike gave Jake 4 times. Jake only fucked Mike 4 times out of the whole time. Jake jecked off 6 times and Mike did it 4 times. The day before last they all just talked and played around enjoying themselves. They told Chase were he would be at in the pack house and one they get their they have to show him around and they told him don't go in the woods without them. Chase agreed to watch over the baby while they are away. They even going a way to get Chase to go to school with them even if it's only 5 more months left. Chase feeled at home with these two. They never treated him like a pet. On the last day they had fish, shrimp, and french fries for dinner. That night they packed there things.

The next morning they put their stuff in car and took one last breath and set iff to home.

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