What he loves most about you

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A/N: another  one with more then one part in it. They all love everything about you but their is one thing the love just a little more then the rest.


Harry- How your eyes sparkle

Ron- Your hair, he loves to run his hand through it when ever he can.

Fred-  Your small ears

George- Your small hands

Neville- Your smile, Neville just loves seeing your smile and thinks it's perfect. 

Draco- How short you are compared to him. He is about 5'9 your only 5 foot. (Sorry if you are taller)  


Harry- Randomness, you know random facts that serve no purpose and you say what ever random thing that comes to you mind.   

Ron- Your intelligent, Ron loved to be confused by what you said. He also loved how you could help him. 

Fred- Your cleverness, You could always get out of trouble and pull a good prank on anyone.

George- Your forgivingness, you would be at the end of some of the twins pranks. Yet every time you forgave them.  

Neville-  Your kindness, no matter who it is or what they did you would try to be nice and befriend any one and everyone.  

Draco- Your shyness, most of the time Draco is the only one to hear something specific. Really Draco is willing to talk for you.

A/N: I hoped you liked this chapter. I wanted to know if you have any specific preference of charter. Now I wanted to try and get to know you all so I'm asking Harry Potter questions.

Who is you favorite male charter from Harry Potter? I personally am a Fred and Draco girl.

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