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(Ross' POV)

"What was I supposed to do? Kill it?"

Jin facepalmed,"You certainly weren't supposed to hug it..."       "Hey, it just got hooked, it needed a hug after that",I said looking over at him. He shook his head,"I wonder why Sky and Barney never showed..."

"Sky's been acting...diffrent lately..." "What do you mean?" "I mean he hasn't been whining to go on some adventure, nor has he been coming out of his room...I'm starting to really get worried..."

"Hm, your right, maybe we should talk to Barney about it."       "Yea! Maybe we could throw a party for him! I love parties."

Jin let out a husky laugh causing my heart to skip several beats. "Alright, just don't invite Thunder Cluck this time, we don't want that to happen again..."

*Time Skip to after the idea is explained*

(Barney's POV)

"A party sounds like a greats idea." Ross happily cheered/yelled,"Yea! I'll make the cake~!" "Not too loud Ross, we want this to be a suprise",said Jin.

Ross nodded,"I'll make the cake." Jin chuckled as Ross hopped around,"I'll go help him so he doesn't burn the house down." "Alrights, I'll take care of the decorations, and we should alls chip in on gift."

They both nodded. "This will be the best party! Other than my birthday I mean", Ross added.

Here's another chapter!


Also Happy International Singles Day to me.....*cries*

Skarney:I Love You, Dirt [Continuation]Where stories live. Discover now