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This is the cake they're having

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This is the cake they're having....mmm...cake...

Great now I wanna go to Mitsuwa marketplace and get some cake from the bakery they have there...I love sweets, who else here does?

(Barney's POV)


I knocked on his door and waited. I sighed and went in, there I saw Sky asleep on his window sill. I smiled a bit and went over to him. Before I could wake him, he began muttering.


I took my hand back.


Tears began to flow down his cheeks.

"Sky?",I said shaking him lightly.

He jumped up, breathing heavily, the tears stopping. "Ohs, I'm sorrys Sky, I didn't means to scaring you." He wiped his eyes,"It's fine,"    I smiled a bit,"Jin, Ross, and I has a surprise for you." 

A small smile grew on his face,"You guys didn't have to."      "Oh buts we did."   I pulled him along and he chuckled. When we arrived at the living room Ross jumped out.   "Surprise!!", he yelled.

Sky laughed and inspected the decorations,"So...who decorated it Barney or Jin?"   I chuckled nervously,"Too much purple?"

He shook his head,"I love it."   Ross came in between us.   "Lets hurry and get to the cake! I wanna eat all of it!"   Sky laughed. Ross ran to the table where Jin was cutting it. Jin handed each of us a plate the delicious cake. Sky said,"Thanks"   with an enthusiasm he hasn't had in a while, guess he likes the cake. Jin nodded and looked at Ross who was already done with his cake. His face was covered with frosting and cake bits, how did he manage that?!

Jin smirked,"I'm gonna go help Ross clean up that...mess, geez." The two left into the other room. I looked at Sky who had eaten half of his cake already. I set mine down and handed him his golden gift.

Sky looked at me with an apologetic smile,"You guys didn't have to get me a present, you all know that..." He set his cake down. I chuckled,"I hope yous likes it anyways, its a gift from the tree of us."

As he opened the present his smile grew a bit. It's a heart-shaped amulet with a red gem and golden chain. I sat next to him and pressed a button that opened it, inside was a picture of the four of us making funny faces and poses.

Sky laughed a bit and looked up at me,"I love it, thank you."   He hugged and all I could do was return it, I'm so happy to see him happy, I just wanted to see that adorable smile of his again...the one I had missed so much...

"Uh...Barney? You can let go now."     His voice snapped me back to reality and I quickly let go, I hope I'm not blushing.

Attempting to change the subject I said,"We alls thought it would be as good gifts."

"Speaking of which, I wonder what those two are doing..."


(3rd person)

Ross pouted,"I'm not a child, I don't need help!" He crossed his arms defiantly. Jin smiled,"You sure don't act like an adult..." He leaned closer to the younger boy. "...Although I think this will make things more...interesting~."

Ross blushed,"Wh-wha?" Jin leaned even closer to the other and licked his cheek slowly, pulled back and licked his lips. This made Ross blush a brighter red.

Jin repeated the process several more times until almost all of the mess was gone. At this point Ross was a blushing mess, he didn't know how to react. Jin seductively whispered,"There's just a..bit more on your lips~." He pulled Ross' face closer and kissed him roughly.

Jin pulled back and went back to his ear. He chuckled in his ear and whispered,"Let's go back to the others now, we don't them getting...suspicious." Ross simply nodded, Jin had taken his breath away, he could barely even walk with how weak in the knees he was.

As the two started back Ross thought to himself, 'I should eat cake more often...' 

I know I'm (for the most part) copying this from the original, but I still hope ya enjoyed! 

Now I want cake, great...

That scene with Jin left me with a huge blush and a slight nose bleed...

Anyways I hope you enjoyed, if you happened to pet that vote button on it's head, it needs love too~! 

Comment if your really feelin' it, and i'll see you amazing chibi's later, BYE~!!!

Skarney:I Love You, Dirt [Continuation]Where stories live. Discover now